Trichomes going amber but pistols still white

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Paulnewtogrowing, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. Hi, my plant is at week 10 now, trichomes have just started to change to amber but it is still producing white pistols. Should I wait for both trichomes and pistols to ripen or does one have priority to start harvesting?

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. That’s what I was thinking too
  3. Depending on the strain sometimes I’d pull now for that more euphoric type of buzz. Longer you keep her better she will taste but feel is more relaxing. Up to you now and what you want.

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  4. Well I took the tops of one plant that were ripe and had several flowers that were covered by the tops - the other 2 plants are still going - they are at about 10% amber now but I had to remove some of the SCROG meshes . Nothing moved so... - I’ll give em a few more days - they hit 11 weeks from switch on Wed (9.5 since pistols appeared) and they are advertised as having 10-11 week flower times. Thanks

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