The latest "Reefer Madness"- Nebraska Gov. Ricketts

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Storm Crow, Mar 13, 2021.

  1. I went to see my Daughter in Oregon. Me and my wife both have arthritis in our knees and hips. The pain sometimes is unbearable. The weed stores sold us weed roll on and smoke to deal with the pain. it works. My wife cried because it was the first time we were both pain free. These people who claim to love Jesus don't give a shit about the sick or dying. :bang:
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  2. @old pothead Yes, Reefer Madness is still a thing! And it's not limited to politicians. A few days ago I found this little rant-

    "F all you stoner grower punks and their ardent supporters in social media. You ruined this beautiful country with “drug culture.” The lies, deceit, death and destruction never end. Animals die from stream diversions and poisons, people die from home invasions and drive by’s, move on to harder drugs, or just zone out behind the wheel. Families are ruined and true American culture degraded by the emphasis on growing and using. The phrase “drug related” is absurd in this neck of the dark, dark woods. It is ALL drug related. All the violence, all the chaos, all the blurring of right and wrong. It is not a “lifestyle” to be stoned, it is a death style, or at least a zombie one. That this endless parade of hallucinogenic horror is promoted freely by local media sickens anyone with all their brain cells intact, with morality, with ethics. Exposing your children to such a monstrous “culture” should be a crime. No wonder we have fake elections and puppet “presidents” when a large percentage of the population is lost in a haze of booze or drugs or weed. Shameful, pathetic, vile."

    And I replied.......
    Granny Storm Crow
    March 26, 2021 4:12 am
    And all of those things you bemoan are due to CANNABIS PROHIBITION! It is PROHIBITION that keeps the price artificially high causing the greed that drives the violence. Cannabis and tomatoes take much the same conditions and care to grow, but how much is an ounce of tomatoes? Logically, the two should be similar in price, the difference is PROHIBITION!

    It is PROHIBITION prevents people from growing their own in the privacy of their own back yards, creating the huge illegal grows in the forests that damage the ecology. Grown by the consumer, cannabis is no more a threat to the ecology than your roses!

    The lies, the deceit, and destruction all lead back to CANNABIS PROHIBITION! Before 1937, there was no marijuana problem. Cannabis was bought over the counter and was sold by Eli Lilly, Sears and virtually every drug store! Because it is impossible to fatally overdose on cannabis, it was used in soothing syrups for infants to treat colic and infantile seizures, for weaning alcoholics off of their habit, easing migraines, treating “female troubles”, managing hysterical disorders, relieving asthma, lessening tremors, and soothing pains of all sorts. Modern medical studies have verified that cannabis is effective for all of those except colic.

    FYI -cannabis does not kill brain cells, it causes neurogenesis, the formation of new brain cells as noted in the study, “Cannabinoids attenuate the effects of aging upon neuroinflammation and neurogenesis” or the article, “Good News For The MEDlCAL MARlJUANA Movement: Pot Proliferates Brain Cells And Boosts Mood” (Science Daily).

    It is not the cannabis users who have lost contact with reality. It is a shrinking minority of people, like you, who ignore the actual facts and science, who are living in their own little alternate reality filled with “alternate facts”. Over 60% of the people in the US support legalizing recreational cannabis, for medical it’s about 90% – that is a fact. Trump lost the election and Biden is president- that is a fact. Cannabis is not what you believe it to be, it is a safe healing herb with a pleasant side effect and that is also a fact. And may God bless you! From a 73 year old lady who uses cannabis to treat migraines, arthritis and more.

    Of course, I know she won't listen. :whistle: She'll just refuse to see how wrong-headed she is, put her fingers in her ears and go La-la-la, and keep believing in those those "alternate facts"! I simply cant understand how people can ignore a "ton" of medical studies and keep believing in anslinger's and trump's lies!

    (Don't know who harry anslinger was? See 15 most ridiculous quotes about 'marihuana' by Harry J. Anslinger - !)

    Now all of you should be doing like I do- answering those outrageous rants when you come across them! It isn't that hard to do and once in a blue moon, you may get someone to wonder if cannabis isn't that bad after all! Just remember to be polite and factual. Going down to their level, spewing hate and anger, doesn't help get cannabis legalized.

    Granny :wave:
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  3. just want me and my wife to be pain free without taking a handful of dangerous pills. We have both worked our whole lives. I'm also a veteran. They just don't give a fuck.
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  4. The use of a safe herbal medicine should not be against the law- even if it does have a pleasant side effect! :GettingStoned: Meanwhile, pharmaceuticals having seriously dangerous side effects or being highly addictive, are just fine!

    It just seems insane that we are forbidden (in many areas) to use a plant to ease pain. There is no logical or medical reason to treat cannabis as if it were some deadly drug!

    I hope your state legalizes soon!

    Granny :wave:
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  5. they don't listen to us and never will.
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  6. @old pothead Hon, consider this- cannabis legalization is a peaceful, ultraslow-motion revolution! We are taking back one small bit of power from a government. And governments do not like giving up any of their power. Nor do they like admitting they were wrong- even in the face of scientific facts. We are telling our government to do both.
    And we are winning! :weed: Every year, more states join the "cannabis revolution", passing state-wide laws that legalize cannabis in spite of the federal laws against it. Even the south is allowing some form of medical use and New York will be legalizing "recreational" soon. When I started using cannabis, the whole dang map was that sad pale gray!


    That map was swiped from "Cannabis Overview" Cannabis Overview which came out just last week. FYI- South Dakota's recreational use status is currently in a state of "legal limbo" after a circuit court ruling- there will be appeals over it (and lots of shouting). :judge:

    The latest polls show that over 60% of Americans believe legalization of cannabis is a good idea, and even more support medical use. (See Marijuana Surveys and Polls - NORML ) And we do vote. Certain politicians might need to be reminded of that fact! :poke:

    Cannabis may be legalized federally during Biden's term (or possibly Harris' if Biden dies in office), or it may take another decade or more, but it will happen. The "Cannabis revolution" is maddeningly slow, but it IS happening.

    Hang in there, and stay safe, until your state catches up with the west coast and the other legal states

    Granny :wave:
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  7. As I understand it, one judge in South Dakota is able to override the will of the people in a general election. Where have we heard that nonsense before?
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  8. And let’s not forget the terrible problem we have of people getting high on pot and stabbing their parents to death. Yep, happens all the time. I seed it on the tv back in the 80$.
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  9. What an ignorant chrome dome
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  10. People like ricketts are one of the reasons we need to educate everyone we can! And that starts with you educating yourself! Now you could scour PubMed and other medical sites for the studies, but it's easier to get a copy of my "Granny's List". You can go here to access it - New January 2021 Granny's List . Then just start reading either the news articles, or you can dive right into the latest studies! :coffee:

    Cannabis is absolutely amazing... and fun, too! :weed:

    Granny :wave:
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