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Question about getting medical card in Florida for part-time / seasonal resident

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by jmcclain, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. I've already started living part time in Florida in that I've spent something like 6 of the last 11 weeks there but I go back and forth to another state to see family still so I'm currently splitting time essentially between two states. I'm planning next to go out for 2 months and rent a furnished apartment there for this time period, I'm not in a financial position where I can just rent a place long-term and have it sit empty while I'm gone, my understanding is that when I get there next I would need to wait 31 days to be able to show them my rental agreement to get the temporary medical card but are they going to care that it's only a 2 month lease?

    I am not sure if they would give me a chance to explain that I'm planning to come back again even after that just that I rarely stay more than 2 months at one time in Florida before returning to my other state for at least a month. I saw also an option is to show mail received from the government but I'm not really sure I understand what kind of mail a part-time resident would have from a government.

    Thanks for any advice, this has really been stressing me out.
  2. Change Car registration to Fla.
    Change Drivers license to Fla.
    Length of lease don't matter. Your shopping to Buy a Home.
    Either is a government proof.
    Get a PO Box. can rent one from a private company and you don't need a local address proof renewal like you do for a USPS one.

    One solution. My 35 cents.


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