Is there a name for this type of personality?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by WaldenInTheCity, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. Only putting this topic here in pandora because I have no idea where else it should be.

    Its hard for me to turn my brain off. I don't even know if that's the right description. I'm constantly analyzing, always troubleshooting, researching, obsessing over details and whatnot before I "pull the trigger" in a sense. It's like I'm never happy with just having a rudimentary level of understanding, I have to have a doctorate level of knowledge in a topic before I even try to attempt it. My brain is constantly trying to figure "it" out to such a degree where eventually it kills any enthusiasm I would have had in actually having a hobby. I'm like the stoner kid in Road Trip.

    I don't know... it's odd. I wish I could be happy just smelling the flowers instead of trying to figure out the right terpines that adequately express the fragrance and the and extraction techniques needed to contain the volatility lol. I know, I know... I'm simultaneously a genius and a tard, trapped in my own consciousness. Ugh.
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  2. I'm the same in a lot of ways, it's not always a bad thing but it's very stressful. A mixture of OCD and anxiety always has me thinking nonstop of the "what ifs", it's tiresome always striving to be over prepared for any situation.
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  3. Overactive mind.....could be adhd witch is pretty much bi polar.....could be to much caffeine...tobacco ect

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  4. upload_2021-1-3_14-49-12.jpeg


    Many of us suffer from some form of it. :)
    <-- brain plays music from the moment my eyes open till I drop off to sleep.
    If I'm not stoned the wife bitches that I'm way to "ON"
    Don't you have a 1/2 speed switch ?
    If I see print I'll read it. Doesn't matter if it's a page from the phone book or the back of the cereal box.

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  5. U are like a scientist! Make the best of it!! U can do what most of us can't do!! Focus! I'm sure it gets cra cra, but I'm sure ur not lazy

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  6. Check these: Compulsive behavior - Wikipedia

    Obsessive–compulsive disorder - Wikipedia

    we all have a bit!
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  7. It sounds like ADD. If you read about ADD, it's an attention disorder. I have it.

    You can super hyper focus on one thing. I call it tunnel vision. Some people have ADHD which is different. You should read about it.
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  8. sounds to me you been screwed so many times there really isnt a answer,at least that how i am,so after about 50 years of this issue,i finally came to the conclusion that,life was really steaming by me,then i had heart surgery,that really opened my eyes to life flashing by,so the real cure is this,mama always say this and she right,JUST DO IT,that it that the answer,right way or not why worry ,knowledge is made by screwing up most times,every thing i do these days and folks tell me is wow i didnt know you could do these things,i tell them all learned the hard way,so my answer to you is just do it,deal with it if it becomes a problem,in the mean time you have at the least started a new journey
  9. i find that i have that exact attitude towards forming an sucks because its also combined with perfectionism....(which is also another big problem on its on)........basically i cannot officially form an opinion of anything, about anything...because i know that if i was to gather all possible knowledge about something, that in the future someone will discover something else about that *something* and thus override and undermine (and thus make invalid) my opinion....which would validate my hesitancy towards initiating energy to a "dead end"....and if i was to advertise my opinion i would be spreading misinformation as it would delude others at the same "dead end"....

    ....i'll stop.....i'm not smart, and i'm not dumb, but i'm dumber than i am smart.....yet its my mental state (aka philosophy) that prevents me from being able to say i'm dumb only because i do not try,....its really i'm too smart to say i'm smart, when infact i'm just plain dumb, and its not possible to claim otherwise, if i was to, then i would be fooling myself and others as that there is a more defined opinion about *something* that there is i could provide.......

    i admit, that is my more so my childish ideals....and everyday i grow older, i try to detach myself from this impossible ideal...and try to tell myself, its okay to be wrong, because i'm already wrong now, who is to say that i wasted my energy now, or then.....i dunno

    ==TLDR--final answer-==

    here is my answer to your original may be afraid of the shock that results from you failing, and that alone scares you enough that you think that might deter you away from something that you initially thought was interesting....and you do not want to deter or find fault in your curiosity? like you don't want to be discouraged in thinking that things you initially thought was intriguing, lead to the dread of your confidence being reduced when "things did not go as planned".....??

    or perhaps, you are scared that you might not actually be interested in things you're researching

    also......offtopic......the last time i made a post on this website, must have been a decade or congratulations on bringing an "old timer" back

  10. i think what you describe, perhaps at a higher level of description, is "overthinking". it doesn't really mean you have add, ocd etc., but it might make you susceptible to developing it. you need to peel back the layers; does overthinking interfere with sleep or other quality of life, are you risk adverse, do you overthink to the point of inaction? those characteristics in addition to overthinking might interfere with different aspects of just getting through the day.

    that's what i think i think and i overthink a lot of things, but bottom line we all have to manage our minds. we choose that what it is we think about and if a mind is left to just run on its own with random thoughts and/or minutiae it's going to result in less than an enjoyable minute to minute existence. the mind can be pretty fucked up and we have to learn to control it: connect, disconnect, redirect, file for later, etc.

    you're normal, you just need to take control of your thoughts, and if risk adverse pick something and take the plunge - jump!
  11. I was just ridiculed and lambasted for being new to the app and called an amateur know-nothing, simply because I am learning the ropes on here and made the mistake of not noticing the date and that the problem had been resolved...I gave my opinion and was mocked and attacked by a group of complete assholes who know nothing about me, or the fact that I have 27 years of cultivation experience, so...I can understand your frustrations.

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  12. [​IMG]
    me when people talk about brain stuff
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