Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by BrewsnWeed666, Nov 6, 2020.

  1. 190 gig install, censoring for China, different voice actors that suck ass and shows how little they care about the series imo (if anyone thinks that doesn't matter listen to some b01 cutscenes and how great the voice acting was and compare), Some big treyarch guy on twitter basically said everyone "should be thankful they're working on the game" lmao, Skill based match making in a cod game, I hear the gameplay isn't that great too, campaign seems bad too.

    Big pass for me. By all means if anyone has fun with it play it and enjoy it but I just feel treyarch and cod in general has gone so far downhill. They used to have so much passion put into them, the magic is just long gone to me.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. I hear you. And I saw that tweet too. Wack. This is the first COD I've bought since modern warfare 2. I thought the campaign was cool as fuck, but really short. I'm having fun with the multiplayer... but I completely understand why people are dissapointed, especially if they buy every year
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  3. I'm sorry dude but who buys COD for the campaign/story... I haven't even touched it yet lol because I've been playing online, I've hit rank 55 yesterday & now I'm prestige rank 1 :laughing:
  4. Its like half the game essentially so to me it matters. People used to care because they didn't used to suck ass. Multiplayer used to be fun and innovative too but from what I can tell it's not anymore either.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. Multiplayer is still fun but it depends.. I'll admit sometimes I do get bored of the multiplayer on cod but if I'm playing with my homie we can easily play it for 6-12 hours without being bored/it not being fun ect:confused_2::laughing:
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  6. @black sabbath I've just started the campaign on Cold war.. the into to it for me sold already :hello::hello:
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  7. Yo the start of the Fracture Jaw mission has got me wanting to watch Apocalypse Now :laughing:
  8. PS_App_20210217_111448.jpeg

    The campaign is savage
  9. Based on your posts, it's safe to assume you don't own the game and have never played it. Very opinionated on something you know nothing about.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  10. #30 Burrito Wizard, Feb 18, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2021
    Ah yes because how dare someone point out the many flaws a game clearly has which is easily available information through watching gameplay and reviews on it. To know a game is trash you obviously need to buy it. I should go out and buy cyberpunk now too! I am very opinionated about trash cod games, because I've played many cod games and know a good one when I see it. If you need to waste $60 to formulate an opinion on something with tons of info available about how it plays then that's a you problem.

    If you like it great. Good for you. I don't need to play something to tell it's bad when I've played so many of the same series and can watch reviews and watch gameplay. Obviously at the end of the day it's just an opinion. Saying it's good or bad is up to you. Who cares. Most people agree the series has heavily gone down in quality so I'm not the minority.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I have to agree with you dude.. you can quiet easily tell if is game is good or not by looking at reviews/gameplay videos, there's 1000s if not 100s of 1000s of videos on YouTube of gameplay ect:confused_2:

    + If you've played previous games in the same franchise you'll know what to expect ect.. just look at Sports games people buy them every year for £55-£120 & all that's really changed is the kits/jerseys & what players have changed teams:laughing:

    I refuse to buy FIFA until it's £15 or less when on sale :confused_2::laughing:
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  12. Yeah man I mean cod to me just isn't the same as it used to be. I can just tell I wouldn't be into the new ones. There's so many deals and games that go for free these days if I have a bad feeling on a game I definitely won't buy it.

    Sports games are the worst bullshit ever with that lol. I got madden 19 when it came out only cause it was the only madden that came to PC since forever. But those games have just gotten lazier and more quick to pump out only caring about how they can maximize profits.
    • Winner Winner x 1

  13. Honestly If you want to get a feel for COD coldwar without paying just download COD warzone that's free.. I've been recently playing warzone with my homie & it is the same pretty much exactly the same as coldwar apart from you're limited to playing 3 online modes, 2 of them being battle royale style :laughing:

    I did start a campaign last night on Coldwar & I have to say I'm impressed so far.. the only complain I've got is that the missions are short but still fun:confused_2::laughing:
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  14. @BrewsnWeed666 you played season 2 yet? I accidentally uninstalled this game like a month ago lol so havent played it in a minute

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