Stoner SOS: Save Our Stash! Ways To Conserve Your Cannabis

Everyone’s been in this situation: You get home from a long day at the office, grab your favorite piece, and your stash, only to realize that that fresh bag you just got is almost completely depleted. Maybe you’re at a party and just promised your group of friends that you would smoke them out, only to find one small nug or some shake dust. What do you do?

Use a One-hitter or “Chillum”

I love one hitters, aka “chillums” as they are more commonly known. There are many reasons to smoke out of a chillum. They are small, so you can carry one in your pocket. The shape makes them more inconspicuous than a standard pipe, so it’s easier to get away with smoking one in public. The most rewarding aspect of the chillum is that it is great for conserving cannabis. The bowl in a chillum is smaller than a normal pipe so these are especially great for solo smoke sessions. If you are with a group of friends, load them a personal hit. This way no one is left out and everyone is happy. Check out some of our chillums here.

Do some personal bong hits

Who knew you could use a bong to conserve your cannabis? It turns out that you can, and the key to this is the personal bong hit. This is a great idea for parties, because chances are each person will only need one hit. After all, they are still smoking from a bong. The thing to remember with taking personal hits is that size does matter! You want to make your hits large enough that they will not only give your guests a good high, but also so that they will not immediately get sucked down through the bowl. This is where having a good screen comes in handy. You also want to make sure that your personals are small enough that they can be taken all at once, and aren’t just half-sized bong bowls.


Knife hits are very effective when it comes to getting the most from just a small amount of cannabis. Contrary to popular belief you can use shake for knife hits; just roll some shake between your fingers and the oils in your hands will cause your cannabis to stick together. As long as your knives or paddles are heated well enough and you are quick, your hit won’t collapse upon contact. Knife hits are fantastic for conserving your cannabis because one small hit can keep you baked for hours.

Make yourself a gravity bong

Gravity bongs are an awesome way to preserve your stash. You will only need a small amount for each hit and just like knife hits, your high will last much longer than it would had you smoked from a pipe. Gravity bongs are also fun activities for large groups of people, making them again, ideal for parties.

Save that keef!

Saving your keef can save your life when you are running low or you are entirely out of cannabis. For those who are not aware, keef is the term for the THC crystals that are on cannabis. When smoked, those small crystals, can get you very baked. The best way to save your keef is by using a grinder with more than two chambers. A four-piece grinder will usually do the trick and come with a bottom collection bin covered by a mesh screen, which collects and saves keef each time you use it. Keef can be compressed to make hash, which should last you until you can replenish your supply.

Roll some spliffs

Spliffs are like joints, except they have tobacco mixed in with cannabis. Spliffs are great for conserving cannabis because you can use as much tobacco and as little marijuana as you want. If you use high quality tobacco, the spliff doesn’t taste as much like a cigarette. Spliffs are also useful for covering up that cannabis smell. If you roll it well enough, no one will even know that you aren’t smoking an ordinary home-rolled cigarette.

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The method that you use to conserve your cannabis depends a lot on what you are left with. If all you have is shake, I would recommend a spliff or a gravity bong, first and foremost. You can use shake for knife hits, but I would only do this if you are skilled in serving knife hits, lest you waste what little you have left. If you are left with a nug or two, your options are much more open. What are your favorite ways of conserving cannabis? Let us know in the comments!