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Will plastic burn if i do this?

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by GanjFarmer', Jan 31, 2013.

  1. I'm coming off a 6 month forced t break very soon and obviously I want to smoke. I don't have my bowl anymore and won't be able to buy for a week or two. So if I make a homemade bong, for the down stem if I use a pen tube then attach a rachet piece on the end, will the plastic melt? Obviously I won't let the flame touch it but I'm scared the rachet will heat up and melt it.
  2. I've used that method a few times and never had a problem. I used foil to make a screen though so the flame never directly contacted the ratchet. It shouldn't be a problem though.
  3. just make a gravity bong
  4. Ive done that in the past, in fact i made a 1 hitter like that and used it for like 6 months with no problems until i got a bowl. You should be good man.

  5. Thats still a metal bowl on a plastic cap...
  6. yeah as long as you give it like 30 seconds max between hits to cool down, it will be fine
  7. Your good man I have done it before. Homemade pieces if u put the work in can be pretty satisfying
  8. Zebra pen from Walmart works
  9. you'll be fine dude, as long as the pen is thick enough and whatever you're using as a bowl doesnt get wildy hot it shouldn't melt
  10. Dismantle a tire pressure gauge and its a metal downstem
  11. Can you show me a pic of what the gauge and the downstem look like?

  12. get the lead thing from a bike pump, take out the pin and disc in the middle of the part that goes into the tire and you can use that as a downstem, i wouldn't really recommend it though
  13. Apple or potato. Look it up.
  14. Use an apple or a similar fruit no need to kill yourself with that aluminum
  15. :confused:Sockets aren't aluminum.

  16. Then why don't you sock that socket motherfucker into a fruit!

    Plastic is fucked up.
  17. I don't use fruit because I like to smoke multiple times a day. Way to many apples to go through.
  18. [quote name='"GanjFarmer610"']

    I don't use fruit because I like to smoke multiple times a day. Way to many apples to go through.[/quote]

    Better than sacrificing your health. Or if you're game, get some odds and ends from lowes or home depot and start crafting.
  19. I'm willing to get some odds and ends. I actually work at hardware store so it would be easy. Any idea on what to get?
  20. #20 hhbhagat1417, Feb 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2013
    I've never done it, but get a boiling flask, beaker bottom, graduated cylinder, lots of plastic tubing, some acetone, (just make sure you buy it at different stores).

    LOL at Breaking Bad.

    Ok, so on the real, if you can get a glass drillbit, a beer bottle or something (maybe a couple if you mess up), a drill, some patience (a lot, sometimes), metal tubing, and some kind of sealing material like rubber cement or caulk.

    This is to make a bong. First, you get your glass drillbit, a bucket of water big enough to submerge and flood the bottle sideways, fill it with water, and start drilling at a slow pace with low-medium pressure. Drill diagonally so the downstem can go in.

    Then take you're metal tubing small enough in diameter to fit the hole, and then stick it in diagonally to fit the downstem.

    Now you'll need a bowl. For the bowl, any kind of small metal funnel will do. Not aluminum or plastic of course. Some kind of steel. Then seal up the airholes with the sealant and smoke up!

    This is roughly what it should look like (I used my pipe as a bowl)

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