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why does a bong hit way harder than a joint?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by acceler, Apr 17, 2022.

  1. #1 acceler, Apr 17, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2022
    Recently I've tried smoking a small dose of weed in a bong, and I noticed 0.05g~ hits almost exactly the same as a 0.2g~ weed dose from a joint.
    In other words, an amount of weed from a bong hits harder than the same amount of weed in a joint.
    I've been wondering why that is, and I've arrived at two conclusions
    1. you're inhaling the smoke from a bong MUCH more forcefully compared to smoking a joint, it feels like you inhale the smoke far deeper into your lungs than with a joint.
    2. as weed burns in the weed bowl, the entire bong fills up with the smoke, all that smoke in a bong takes up a relatively big volume of space, as you inhale all that smoke, it just feels infinite, sort of, like there is A LOT of it, so much you can't really fit it all into the lungs.
    However these conclusions don't exactly explain why a bong hits harder than a joint, or it could be that I lack other general bio/chemical knowledge, can someone enlighten me?
    Maybe I'm wrong and the smoke inside a bong is more concentrated or something?
    I also noticed that the smoke from a bong hits the throat way harder than a joint and makes you cough more than a joint, why?
  2. bingo ;)
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  3. i don't really get how and why it could be more concentrated than the smoke of a joint tho
  4. Its more concentrated in that there is less oxygen to cannabis vapors in the given lung intake volume.
    Just like a blade hit of good hashish, concentrated smoke.
    Also, the temperature may get hotter in a bong (?) (definitely off a hot knife or dab rip), which would contribute to a higher amount of THCA decarboxylation to THC (the psychoactive form).
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  5. The smoke (air) traveling through the water will condense it, the bubbling action traps this colder more condensed smoke, as the bubbles are released at the surface, all of those condensed bubbles pop to form a very dense smoke.

    You are pulling a vacuum through water, water does not compress, air will.

    Bongs for the win.
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  6. yeah-science-1.jpg
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  7. You are not only compressing air with water, you are compressing HOT air in relatively COLD water, that sudden change of temperature can cause extreme saturations, to the point there is literally no oxygen left in those bubbles, just pure combusted weed smoke. You ever see a bong hit get brewed and the bottom is creamy white almost yellow? That is pure smoke, no oxygen.
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  8. Thanks a million guys! That's exactly what I needed to know
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  9. #9 JancoFlick, Oct 2, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
    I've had the same curiosity before. It's partly because bongs filter and cool the smoke, making it easier to inhale deeply. Plus, the smoke in a bong is more concentrated due to the water filtration. So, it hits you harder. As for the throat hit, bongs can be intense because the smoke is cooled less, unlike a joint where it's milder. You can get bongs at the head shop online to try it. Hope that helps clear things up a bit!
  10. When smoke passes thru water (H2O), the heat from the exchange causes a dynamic weakening of the hydrogen/ oxygen bond which frees the mucohydrone sheath of the oxygen molecule. This slight increase in free oxygen bonds with the compound introduced thru the smoke from cannabis. This allows for a solid attachment to the wall of the lung increasing the absorption of the cannabis molecules
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  11. YEAH, what he said! Couldn't have said it better. :rolleyes::):thumbsup:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  12. It mostly has to do with air pressure and physics. Sucking on a bong creates more suction force on the bud/bowl than sucking on a joint.
  13. Wow! Are you a chemist?
  14. Interesting theory but I tend to disagree with the "Pure" smoke & "No" oxygen. No Md here but if you inhaled a big bong hit containing NO oxygen, it would not go so well for you???
  15. That's for damn sure.
  16. #16 Lawlerskates, Jan 16, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
    Joke? Source? Looks more like Star Trek techno-babble to me. I'm sure you believe it, but I can't find anywhere on the internet that backs up your claims with overly big words that no stoner here will understand.
    I assume your joking and if not, care to explain? What the heck is mucohydrone? Unless it's a typo, that is a completely fake word.
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  17. Yeah "mucohydrone" isn't a fucking word lmao. Idek what he was trying to say there.
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  18. Die intensivere Wirkung beim Gebrauch einer Bong im Vergleich zum Gebrauch eines Joints lässt sich auf drei Schlüsselfaktoren zurückführen. Erstens kühlen und filtern Bongs den Cannabisrauch durch Wasser, was zu sanfteren und möglicherweise tieferen Inhalationen führt. Dadurch wird der Rauch weniger hart und ermöglicht ein stärkeres Erlebnis. Zweitens ermöglichen Bongs das Inhalieren einer größeren Rauchmenge auf einmal, im Gegensatz zu kleineren, stärker verdünnten Zügen aus einem Joint. Dies bedeutet, dass pro Inhalation mit einer Bong mehr Cannabis konsumiert wird, was zu einer stärkeren Wirkung führt. Schließlich ist die Rauchkonzentration in einer Bong höher. Joints vermischen Rauch mit mehr Umgebungsluft und verdünnen so die Konzentration der Wirkstoffe. Im Gegensatz dazu liefern Bongs weniger verdünnten Rauch, wodurch jeder Zug stärker ist. Diese Faktoren erklären zusammen, warum ein Bong-Zug im Allgemeinen als intensiver empfunden wird als ein Joint-Zug.
  19. Yeah that makes no sense whatsoever, I think bongs are easier to hit and give bigger hits so they get certain people higher.
    Surely people are still getting high on joints but I can’t roll them . I haven’t smoked in awhile because no jobs here and my weed was too weak but I may rehydrate it and try it again . Just to use it up.
    Supposedly joints are less efficient and burn up more THC, Although I can’t verify that. I just Saw it online,..
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