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Why did my Geeb explode?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by ryanw1020, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. I was pulling geebs in my apartment and as I was lighting on the cap inside caught fire and popped and exploded a bit and the bottle dropped to the bottom but no smoke came out and it smelled like a chemical explosion. my cap is a wrench socket pushed into a plastic cap. Any idea of what the fuck happened?
  2. I dont even know wtf I just read o_O
    WTF does "pulling geebs" mean?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. that was a seed
  4. Haha. Geeb. Funny word.
  5. so fuckin confused
  6. #6 Patricia Clemons, Jan 24, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
    There's some nice pocket size spoon pipes for under $30 out there.

    Urban dictionary Geeb, who woulda thought. It's like.. a quadruple entrande
    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. It was most likely a small seed or some stem you packed down tight that didn't have enough air to light as you pulled it up, so the sudden air once you had airway access made it spark and light suddenly. Personally, I've smoked GBs for 5 years now, as long as I've smoked, and I would highly recommend a Gravtron GB or some glass GB. A metal socket on a plastic cap is easy, quick, and almost always accessible, but you also don't want to be heating up the plastic and inhaling something other than what you're trying to smoke. I would say just be a little more wary on how tight you pack it, and grind up your bud a little bit more fine (or if you hand pick it there's your problem, hand-picked bud works better in blunts because of how it burns, but in a GB cap, plastic or glass, it lights unevenly and can cause all sorts of flare-ups. It's safer to go with ground up bud) to avoid the issue happening in the future.

    @JKill Geeb is just how pronouncing GB (The abbreviation for Gravity Bong) sounds, therefore some people just type it that way. Pulling it is simply the process of lighting the bud while you pull the device up, causing the void of air to burn the bud and pull it into the vacuum. Therefore, pulling it.
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. This is too funny when this shit happened I was tweaking hard and too fried to communicate correctly. Cuz when it blew up the smoke went everywhere in my college dorm and almost set the alarm off.
  9. I forgot I even posted this question I just deemed this a break in quantum physics and Ill hope it doesnt happen again

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