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where can i get a screen!

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by alternate, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. Me and a buddy are making some awesome wooden and clay pipes (mostly for looks but still functional) and I just want to know the easiest place I can find some screens for it.. I know about the faucet thing but that's it...
  2. Go to a head shop and politely ask for a pack of screens.
  3. Do you have to be 18 to buy accessories like that? I know you have to be 18 to by bongs n shit, and how expensive are they usually?
  4. You do need to be 18. You also need to be 18 to be on this site... They usually run for a couple bucks. Really cheap.
  5. Ok so let's say then.. hypothetically: How would an underage dirt poor kid acuire a screen that could be used in some homemade creations?
  6. Grow a beard and find the place that doesn't card,every town has one,and grow the hell up ya chitlin.
  7. Hmm, if he had no faucets available, I'd recommend he use a small pebble or rock placed in the bottom of the bowl. :wave:
  8. #8 randompan, Apr 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2012
    sink hardware store 1$ store places like that

    seriously they sell screens for sinks in hardware stores its the same thing you get in a head shop just a different name
  9. A head shop will do it. Its just a screen man.
  10. Get a small sieve and cut it up. Works perfectly.
  11. On the bottom of most facets is a metal screen.
  12. Go to your local head shop and pick up a nice pack for cheap :D
  13. Don't care how dirt poor you are,
    If you have access to the internet then you can afford a pack of screens.
  14. I go to the local grocery store and buy a sink drainage screen. Just gotta cut a little piece out, shape it to the bowl and there you go! A screen! Plus you will have some leftover for multiple pipes
  15. I take screens from old headphones, especially Apple head phones
  16. apple head phones are made of cheep material. they chip and flake i wouldn't use those anymore if i were you, your hurting your lungs alot doing this

  17. simply using the screen only. And I don't know what kind of metal it is tho. It bends and sticks to it idk...
  18. dont use the screens from your sinks, they are dirty and you need them, either go buy new ones or go to a convenience store (chinese owned is best) and get them, i used to buy pipes and papers all the time when i was underage they didnt care

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