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What strain would be closest to wide spectrum delta8?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Bjlanc, Mar 29, 2021.

  1. I haven't smoked for a couple years. Since my motorcycle wreck last summer I have been struggling with pain and depression. Doc was giving me oxycodone 10/325. They are a joke. 3 of the things at once only kept me up all night. I luckily found out about delta8 and got some a week ago. First thing I thought after it taking full effect was "this is what pain killers are supposed to do!". I still feel pain, but it's easier to deal with. I worry about delta8 someday being outlawed either here or nationwide, so if it does happen, what strain would be closest, yet stronger? It gives me energy like a sativa would, but no paranoia or anxiety.
  2. Stay away from the narcotics at all cost man. If you live in a legal state, check out a dispensary, those kids know their shit. Otherwise, any weed is going to help. Just play around. Also if you are in a legal state, go see a cannabis doctor. Good luck.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. If you worried about it becoming an illegal substance then you just keep an eye on news about delta-8
    In the event you feel it will be outlawed you just stock up on a shit ton, at least enough to get you through for some time
    Might just be the high talking but this makes sense right now to me so:smoking-banana:
  4. Thanks. I am in Nebraska.... our wonderful governor made national headlines a while back for saying "Marijuana will kill your kids". The guy is a scumbag. Used a former state football coach to argue against medical, yes medical Marijuana. Parents of kids cry to him that their child is having 200 seizures a day, only pot helps, please legalize medical pot. He sticks his nose up at them. That explains my worries about losing delta8. Seriously, I think I prefer delta 8 to the regular stuff. I still hurt no damn doubt, but it's like it doesn't drag me down as deeply as just trying to deal with the pain with alcohol.
  5. Yeah I need to plan ahead. Not sure how long vape cartridges last but couple weeks and the mail ban will go into effect unfortunately
  6. If we are talking shelf life, then cartridges would last quite a long time given they are stored in a cool dark place

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