Theory about Time

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by fighters2, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. That's an interesting response to bring back a thread from october with.
  2. Time is fake. I didnt read the thread, just the first post...put i just wanna put in my two cents and see what you guys have to say. Time is fake in my eyes, because what is time really judged by? the sun right?? well, our sun is only one of 3 trillion out there. one of many in our galaxy alone. sooo, if we leave our galaxy, then what controls time?? your cell phone will a calander on it?? And what if you go to a different planet with a gravitational pull thats 3 times of ours or something...that would take your life and mess with it alot. Time is nothing but an illusion, its like...a map of whats happeneing right now. Think about it, if your actually taking time to read what im saying here...sit down and close your eyes...and think about your moment right now, think about what you are doing...your sitting there...and your eyes are closed and your just taking it all in. Now, when you leave your house today....close your eyes and think back to right now, when you were reading this. This moment, when your reading this...this is the most important thing right now. Your attention is on this, you might even be doing what i asked you to. But when you go outside later, and you think about this moment...theres no substance. its not there anymore...your moment is (well...will be) you standing outside, and feeling the sun on your face or something. thats why ive had a problem with focusing on planning my life out...i dont want to keep focusing on the future, because isnt that what life is all about nowa days. people spend their whole lives working for something that they can either buy and put in their house later, or working for that pay check thats gunna come in 2 weeks..and they forget about what they are doing right now.

    WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW!?!?! Right now is whats important...not time...not the past...and definately not the future.

    p.s - am i the only one thats sees the future going exactly as planned?? When you look at old movies, we got flying objects and stuff and everything is really technological and stuff. But, when you look at life....arent we kind of making our life to fit the image that we paint now? our illusions of what the future will look like, has influenced many building designs and and car designs and what not.....time is fake. You cant travel into the future because, the future is based off of what people think it should be before it happens. and if you eliminate the process of thinking the ideas up, there is nothin else in front of you. and if you think that time travel just speeds things up, then your wrong. The good theorys of time travel are the ones that deal with the movement in the speed of light. your not jumping 50 years into the future...your just getting there extremely fast. your speeding the proocess of time up, but changing the environment your in. If you want time to change on earth....get in a space ship and go 99.9999999999998 percent the speed of light. Go directly out for 15 days, then come back to earth, taking 15 days..going that fast. 1000's of years will pass on earth( supposedly, i just happen to believe this theory). Time = illusion...fake.
  3. Oh yeah, i wanted to say this. If we really want to be able to travel huge distances across space ( which I think we can, because well, if we can see it, if we have the technology to see the universe...then i think there has to be a way to visit it....just becuase.....this is life...this is the most important thing ever...and why would the most important thing ever shove something so incredible in your face, and not let you experience it) anywho...if you want to travel long distances across space...without harming yourself...i think what we need to do is...take a look at this thing that we call time...and figure out what it really is. i might no tmake sense, but thats ok. i like not making sense...that just means i understand it , and you dont. haha.
  4. God I love that your expanding your mind and coming to grips with yourself and the universe around you. It just makes me wonder how this beautiful drug can be denied from people that want to grow spiritually and mentally into something that only helps our society and our world and find meaning to people's lives. So back to your your theory of time... Good ass question and not enough time or patience to give you the wisdom I have. Bit maybe one time later I might help you understand but you are on the right path
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
  5. And you it seems are a time traveller my friend. 14 year old thread haha you just set a new record buddy congratulations!
    Officially the oldest revival I’ve seen yet !
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 2
  6. You may assume that time is a straight progression of cause to affect, but ACTUALLY from non linear, non subject point of view it is a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey, wimey....stuff!....that one got away from me, yeah, well I CAN hear you...Well not hear you exactly, but I know what your about to say, and my only response is...Look to your left. I mean by that look to what time is given to you, for you must decide what to do with it.
  7. Time is only a word we use to organize our lives or describe ourselves eg history.
  8. Only moments exist.
  9. time is just a subjective distinction created by man to structure our existance. i think it’s the same with space, or what’s in it, all these amazing images we have of distant galaxies are actually artists interpretations of computational data not actual photographic images. besides what we can see physicaly with traditional telescopes, most of what we’re presented with is not muchmore than fantasy, just like we have no real concept of it’s size and scope, most is assumption based on our distinctions. some quantum physicists think we are in a black hole because according to there calculations it’s the only place the vibrating energy of atoms can be condensed enough to form physical matter. even still atoms are 99.9999% empty space, therefore everything is virtually empty space, so is anything we see even real outside of our extremely limited sense of perception?! even what we perceive as empty space is not empty, just beyond our ability to comprehend! it’s such a conundrum it makes my head hurt, i think we’re better off exploring inner space!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  10. “be carefull how you approach time, watching the clock is not the same as watching the sun rise”

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  11. Time is the enemy of life.
  12. I don’t have anything valuable to add but I wanted to share how it kinda freaks me out when I think about time, and how far back it goes. I’m talking about infinity.

    If you never have, just think about that for a minute.

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