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The one hour homemade bong challenge

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Yung_Money, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. So me and my friend were blazing and we decided to do this, and i figured why not include GC in this fun event. it will be based on the honor system and there isnt a prize but it would be fun :smoke:

    -You have one hour to make a homemade bong with atleast 1 layer of filtration.
    -Can use whatever materials you have around at the time
    - Can not use slides or bowls
    -Somewhat safe to smoke out of?
    - Pictures and possible milkshot included?

    you can submit whenever just dont cheat the one hour!

    My "Stress Reliever"


    MOV01613.mp4 video by Capt_Kush - Photobucket

    Edit: how do you embed that video?
  2. Thats sweet man! When i was younger me and my buddies used to make pieces all the time. Now i just roll or bong.

  3. Yeah its a shitty day here, so we figured why not this could be fun

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