If you don't like the product or the owner of it than get the hell out. Didn't your parents ever teach you to not say anything if you can't say anything nice than don't say it at all? Anyways. My biggest gripe about weed star bongs is definitely the carb holes. Please just get rid of them!
Is there any way you could tell us what types of EHLE's you guys are getting? I'd love to see so that I have the option of holding out on buying anything just in case there is something really good I'd like.
There...I only removed the quoted part. *RMJL (the quoted part, since removed by the admin, was pictures showing Ziggi's artistic rip off errrr extremely similar copies of other blowers) This. The fact that GC supports this makes me even less likely to support GC financially or order their products.
ya thats awesome about the ehles, at the very least SJ, you should copy EDIT's selection... normal size tubes, no carb hole, they carry diffusors and all the accessories, stuff like that. 3.2mm, 5mm, diversify.
Is this meant to say that discussion of weedstar designs and where they come from is totally off-limits, taboo, censored? That's just a tad bit ridiculous if so... I did it in a clear, concise and respectful manner.. and Ziggi is free to respond in kind, though I don't think he ever will. To post a thread in toking tools only allowing positive commentary will drive away many of your American users who view censorship as a suppression of their rights. I have noticed that my post hasn't been moderated... so a clarification of exactly what you mean would really be helpful for others moving forward. I've had my say though.
What the hell are you guys doing?! Don't most stoners pride themselves on smoking weed and proud that they are nothing like anyone else. I know i do. I live above the influence, of bullshit that is wrong. Weed Star* is NOT a LEGEND glass maker, making NICE 600$ ill 15 tree percs with fucking 9mm glass and some crazy other shit. Guys its a good glass company at the best and a good glass company with a stoner as a owner for the worst. Relax and give him so fucking, tips, ideas, mabye a reason you actually don't like his stuff other than, lol you are a jackass fuk ur super crap glass bongs. Ziggi- Your glass isn't that great dont get me wrong, but i definatly DONT mind paying 80$ for a fucking GonG Inline bong with ice pinches, a diffused downstem and a free slider. For ideas to make it better- Try not to make yourself look dumb, i dont mind it but it seems like 95% of the people here do. Use thicker glass. There is nothing bad about using thicker glass, eh? On your percs, dont make the slits or holes too small make sure they are big enough to not have drag. If it has drag, just make them a little bigger. The less drag, the better. Another thing, dont change your prices. I love it!
My post was deleted for being unbelievable? Saying that I was considering not spending money at Grass City or support the forum financially due to their business connection with Ziggy is unbelievable? Good job admin, you just made it believable as you'll never see my credit card again. I put your post back...but removed the quote. That's fine about your credit card, though. *RMJL
First of all, I never once stated your name. You assumed for whatever reason that my post was directed only towards you. I quoted SJ for those who missed his post. Constructive criticism is definitely welcome but from reading your recent posts, it's as if you are on a mission to do everything you can to put down Ziggi, Weed Star and now Grasscity. I see that and other people do too. Just get over it and move on. Surely you have more to do then trash Ziggi, Weed Star and now Grasscity...including Superjoint. At least I hope you do. But wait, you've had your say, though...so why does it matter if I quote the owner of this website? It doesn't. Not at all.
Ziggi, please make a new Weed Star thread and we'll stick it for you. This is all ridiculous and has tainted your thread beyond belief. Superjoint made a request and was disresepected when people ignored it. It's one thing to disrespect glass but when you disrespect the owner of this site and his wishes, it's taking it a bit too far. Make a new thread and, hopefully, the haters will either stay out of it or offer constructive criticism rather than hate. More hate and accusations will only get them banned.