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The Official **GLASS ONLY** Family Picture Thread

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by Hashplant, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. ^^^^^Thank you^^^^^
  2. Why are you thanking him for being unable to read and post in the right thread !?! I even posted the link for the proper thread for you to post in.
  3. I understand it I just don't get why you guys care so much. Why are we still talking about that. Glass is glass.
  4. Its annoying when you go to a certain thread to view certain things and some people can't read and don't post the right things that pertain to the thread.
  5. No need to be rude, he is just trying to keep this thread on track. Maybe you would be a little annoyed when you are ignored time and time again by illiterate people such as yourself.
  6. Clearly illiterate, right?
  7. Okay dude you realize you just made my point.... You said you're in a family... But an only child.. But that still makes you. Plus your mom. Plus your dad. Which is 3.... Which is MORE THAN 2. Which is required to make a FAMILY. just like more than 2 pieces are required to make a family glass shot
    the only time I do this is when people like you can not simply read and understand simple thread titles and put your shit in the right places. People come to this thread to see multiple things in ONE picture and see people's families. Not "only child pictures"
  8. Oh, I'm so sorry, my parents have passed so my point remains.... Señor douche bag, next time I'll do this for you.... Better? Hahaha. Two different pics in one photo, deuces.

    Attached Files:

  9. And he will say once more that two is a couple, not a family.
  10. #2430 Syn4life, Mar 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2013
    this guy....still cant process the whole MORE THAN 2. not 2...MORE THAN 2.
    not 1...not 2.... it must be 3 OR MORE!!!! 2 and a broken piece does not count either for anyones furture knowledge. thats just sad . fucking 3 OR MORE REQUIRED PER PIC! god damn i dont know how much more clearer i could done trying

    Example for ya.

    Toro belongs to themagicclover while he has a tube of mine haha

    Attached Files:

  11. yeah im so sorry i only posted one pic, i feel terrible now. To everyone who is complainin n cryin about it :hide: please forgive me
  12. Lmao He can't even get that it is suppose to be one picture of all the pieces not separate ones of each piece. I like how he quoted your post which says "multiple pieces in ONE picture" I wasn't rude or an ass in my original post nicely telling them they posted in wrong thread and posted the link to a thread where you just post a pic of a piece.
  13. I think I'm going to post this pic in the bubbler only thread. :laughing:
    My current family, always growing, some taken down, but growing. :)
  14. Sir is that a clipper stand? If so i envy you
  15. this is my modest glass family.

    my silika 18in straight tube with my new slide(blue magic: smoking a bowl feels like cocaine) . my bubbler( ODB: old dirty bastard cause after 2 bowls it's grimy) my Sherlock( Mr.Sir: I feel fancy smoking it) my glass bowl that came with the bong. my oldest slide. actually my first glass piece. is broken. he's swamp nuts cause he looks like a swamp and smells like shit when he's dirty. my new grinder. and my wooden grinder I used as a temporary one when my old one got stolen.

    Attached Files:

  16. Freezable glow in the dark pipe with glitter in it.

    Attached Files:

  17. Excuse me one moment, but...[none of this anger is directed towards you]

    My god, we need to find a way to fix this.

    Seriously lol
  18. lololooolol oly^ that's is why I unsubbed from this, and subbd to the heady glass thread where people actually know whats good ahahahaha. where's the "china glass" thread lol?

    on another note: Allred you have some SICK glass man, post some pics on the thread so more ppl can see that amazing basketweave bubbler :smoke:
  19. It's a mentos stand, but it does the job, I love it, everybody asks me the same "Wtf, is this a clipper stand?" :laughing:


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