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The Heady Glass Thread [Pic/Vid]

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by DiAmOnD RaStA, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. This is one of my buddies dishes that he made. He's just starting to blow glass and gave me it for my birthday, I think it's pretty neat
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  2. ^^ Cherish it man. Glass gifts are the best. Even beter that he made it himself.
  3. that marcel rig and that dish are both super heady. :)

  4. yessssss, it finally came :)

    Blissful Glass blown, Hazeydays smoked....

    --Custom Pipemug--

    MVI_3255.mp4 video by reedthesteed123 - Photobucket

    Just something to keep in mind, I normally don't hit it like's because I was filming by myself (and want to remain discrete), I normally just turn it a bit after a sip and rip it that way. Also, check out the smoke when it rips...trippy shit :)
  5. Thats pretty fucking awesome man.

    Say if you have some extremely cold water, does it help cool the smoke at all?
  6. Yep! and it also functions as a bubbler too, i'll post up a vid at somepoint

  7. HOLY SHIT thats my new dream piece
    those are air bubbles? gnar
  8. Chea they are Marcel is a beast, here are two of my slides

  9. thats awesome sick dicro too
  10. [​IMG]

    this is by far the dirtiest piece ive ever seen
    y have i never heard of this guy LOL
    • Like Like x 1
  11. octopus? retti? black/white????

    fucking sick bubbler dude.
  12. The two at my lhs are somehow even larger/nicer/crazier than that one, and yes they do have octpi, I think they are priced at 6k and 12k...
  13. natty perc'd muggler :metal:

  14. I could be completely wrong but the way that mouth piece is shaped looks like you could use it as a dish if you had the proper attachments
  15. they are worth every penny imo

    to not waste space
    katt williams in the house
  16. Octopus

    Dragon Head

    Fucking Ray Gun
  17. i thought we had to post glass we own

    or atleast try to
  18. That stuff is still sick though

  19. I have been breaking this rule but I feel like your right. The only time someone should post something that's not there's if its somethin truly amazing that needs to be seen.

    The only reason I have been doing it is because I didn't want to just post text in here and take up space but I have to comment on these amazing peices.

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