New custom piece just finished up. I am waiting on delivery of it now. @crimsonsprayglass and @nbelm collab. From the pics looks like they did an amazing job. Sashas oil slick, uranium glass teeth, pink slyme accents. I can't wait to hit a dab on this bad boy. Angler fish rig!! And sorry for the shitty quality pics. I'll post better when I have it
^Not a whole lot of heady. But still a bit. Very small amount lol I just like this pic. Hope I don't spark any hate. (Will remove if needed.) Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
take a pic of the slides you have on some of those pieces, the slides look like they might be heady but its hard to tell, none of the clear glass is. great pic prodo/scientific collection tho
Not on this website, no. Also I would suggest editing your post above so you don't get banned for trying to sell