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The Coolest Homemade Bong You'll Ever See

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by ohbiiiitch, May 14, 2011.

  1. That's a pretty cool homemade piece, not so much a bong as it is more a bubbler but its probably the best way to play Russian roulette, everyone wins.

    And to the ICP section. Every icp fan I have ever met is some kid from a trailer park (not saying that you are) but when the majority are trash people that sets a tone for the group , guilty by association. Plus why wear face paint and a clown at that, when I think of a clown or someone being a clown they are a joke and that's how most people see icp. I personally do not like them simply because of the subject matter of their music, just as I do not like to read fictional stories. I would much rather listen to something real.
  2. Talking about cool gun bongs.

  3. i used to listen to icp when i was 12 too. wait, no i didn't i wasn't a douche bag, never mind.
  4. wow we got some assholes floatin around in here, to each his own man...

    nice ass piece of work by the way, i'd be proud to own a homemade piece like that, though i do collect ghettoness pieces. lmao.

    oh and guys i like The Beatles and Judas Priest and ICP feel free to talk shit its bound to happen. psch such children you are.

  5. I grew up in a trailer park and have not listned to ICP once! and who the fuck r u to be judging and saying that people who live in a trailer park are "trash people" who the fuck u think u are bitch? Not everyone can be posted up in the suburbs, not every family is gonna be blesses with a house with central AC ...that dont make u better ....sounds like u should be chillen with the insane clown pussies, ud fit right in you ignorant fuck.
  6. Wanna borrow my girls mascara?
  7. Whats up with all the hostility guys?
  8. i have my own actually, its the expensive shit too :D
  9. No hostilities my good man. Twas all in jest.
  10. #50 kronman907, Jul 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Haha yes so true. I feel bad for people who can listen to that clown taking a shit on the record
  11. yea icp is so fucking horrible
  12. I should slap the fuck out of you kingpin for mentioning judas priest and ICP in the same fucking sentence. SHAME ON YOOOOUUUUUU HETHEN

  13. I'm gonna make this :bongin:
  14. He never said everybody from a trailer park listens to ICP, you need to chill the fuck out.

  15. you are totaly correct.
  16. begging to differ, the level of awsomeness that radiates from the sheer mention of Judas Priest far over shadows the subject of any single topic especially one of such mediocrity and repetitive quarrels :smoke:

    ^^^^^^^Fuck did i come up with that^^^^^^^ :smoke:
  17. LOL? That isn't even homemade. That's like a CUSTOM glass bubler

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