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Tell me these were not made for weed

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by TJforMJ, Apr 2, 2011.

  1. the picture that says coffee? tea? should say marijuana??

    that's how classy people store their weed.
  2. My mom has something very close to that for her tea. She's got like organic super tea or something. It's good whatever it is.
  3. wtf's up with that price? haha lame. sneakin in the thc molecule background :laughing:
  4. Get a keef box.. it has a really fine net that only let's pollen through, my local headshop has them in all sizes. The basic ones start at like 40 or 50. My buddy has one and we smoke keef bowls all the time and get superduper stoned
  5. i use a teavana airtight can for my weed lol
  6. $50 Extra for the screen model. Fuck that shit.
  7. I....must....have....that lol best stash box ever anyone? ill answer for you...yes
  8. its only four inches... epically tiny for that giant price tag
  9. Lol I didn't even check specs, 4in is a fucking rip off lmaoo I can't believe people buy that.
  10. Get a sifter box? That's all it is.
  11. no screen is worth $50...this is just a rip off.
  12. yea... the specs are what suprised me the most. I thought it was going to be the size of a large/average sized kief box. If it was that size.. I could understand the price a little more.
    that thing is tiny
  13. Not even.. the biggest box I have seen can shake an lb and I think it was going for around 150ish.. idk who has a spare lb to shake but its more for less money lol

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