make a diffused downstem from a blunt tube. cut holes at the bottom. maybe make an A/c ice? carbon filter.... emmmm
There's Bong Flavouring at headshops :$ But where I am it is pricey 15 $ for like a 500 ML Bottle. And why waste vodkla in your bong ? drink that shit !
That stuff will mess you up big time. It's stronger than Captain and a bit cheaper here where I live. I love that, and Jose Cuervo Gold Tequila. My two liquors of choice.
i did that once when i was 13 years old with my Straight Acrylic Water Pipe it was purple so we named it The purple people eater Just made my bong water smell worse
Couple drops of lemon in the bongwater makes for a nice fresh hit! Plus it helps it not smell like shit after a few good rips. Cheers
it was whole milk so i know it wasnt bullshit that day i got the stonedest ive been stoned in a good few stones