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soda in bong water

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by superman69, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. make a diffused downstem from a blunt tube. cut holes at the bottom. maybe make an A/c ice? carbon filter.... emmmm
  2. #22 Mr. Owl, Aug 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2010
    i wouldnt want my bong sticky from anything other than that sticky icky icky
  3. There's Bong Flavouring at headshops :$
    But where I am it is pricey 15 $ for like a 500 ML Bottle.
    And why waste vodkla in your bong ? drink that shit !
  4. Haha I got that Sailor Jerrys too!
  5. Kool aid is where it is at!

  6. That stuff will mess you up big time. It's stronger than Captain and a bit cheaper here where I live. I love that, and Jose Cuervo Gold Tequila. My two liquors of choice. ;)

  7. I've done this before ^ It's great. A slight bit of grape in your hits.
  8. wat bout some oj?
  9. i did that once when i was 13 years old with my Straight Acrylic Water Pipe
    it was purple so we named it The purple people eater Just made my bong water smell worse:smoke:
  10. ive tried milk in a bong, made sure there werent any ashes and drank it, passed the Fuck out
  11. the thc is somewhat absorbed by the fat in milk. + drinking milk from a bong wtf?????:hello:
  12. Hot tea works really well.
  13. ice cold water and maybe a few drops of vanilla...idk
  14. Couple drops of lemon in the bongwater makes for a nice fresh hit! Plus it helps it not smell like shit after a few good rips.

  15. Hot water. :D

  16. it was whole milk so i know it wasnt bullshit that day i got the stonedest ive been stoned in a good few stones

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