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Socket bowl

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Chainer, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. Hey, I'm new to the city! I'm making my friends some bongs to take to college with them, but I'm having some trouble with designing a slider that uses these sockets. I know the concept, I just want to know what material I could use for the downstem. I've used an airsoft barrel before, but I don't have any of those left. I would use another Trombone mouthpiece, but they aren't cheap...
    Also, How do I get the socket to work with the downstem? Do I glue it? Wouldn't that burn part of the glue per bowl?

    Here's some pictures of my Last home made bong, my 4th one ever made.


    It breaks into parts, yet is completely airproof.

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