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Smoking Shatter Without a Dab Rig

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by Apothic Harry, Feb 27, 2022.

  1. What is the best method for smoking shatter without using a rig? I ask because honestly, I'm a lazy bastard and thus kind'a negligent when it comes to maintaining stuff like that.
  2. Normally don't smoke shatter, but do smoke allot of crumble, diamonds and live resin.
    Vaping weed and some kind of extract really taste good .
    I have several dab rigs using a torch to heat a tungsten ..
    Also have seahorse max portable electric dab rig with a bubblier
    this works really good but buy some replacement coils Lookah Seahorse Max : Electronics
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. I guess what I'm wondering is if I add a bit to a bowl of weed or in a joint somehow, would I just be basically putting a lighter to my money?
  4. It’s a matter of opinion but if you bought high quality dispensary dabs in IL for 60 bucks a gram!!!! Then yes sir you are definitely burning money with a lighter lol
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. So you like the seahorse? Kandy pens just came out with theee version of that and I was thinking about picking it up.
  6. If you have a glass spoon style pipe and a torch you can jerry rig it easy by just heating an empty bowl super hot inside the spoon and, then throwing shatter right by the hole while covering the carb and sucking real hard like your ex used to. :laughing:

    I feel like a video is needed here but, other methods include:

    Packing a full bowl and melting the dabs carefully on top while you smoke. You wanna gently touch the flame to the dab but completely burn it. Although this method takes practice as you'll probably end up smoking it instead of dabbing it.

    Heating up 2 knives and inhaling it off the knife. This way is super badass and super comic villion style but also super dangerous.
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  7. #7 Headhunterpipes, Feb 28, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2022
    Yes, I like the seahorse max But you go through allot of the quarts heating coils.
    It is a must that you buy a pack of coils . Lookah Seahorse Quartz Replacement Coils Tip 5pcs/ Pack for Lookah Seahorse and Pro
    I also like putting resin on my weed and using The Mighty. that really tastes good .
    I haven't been around the Kandy pens.
  8. Normally there is always a dispensary in Reno that has live resin/crumble/Dab on sale for
    20.00 a gram. 70 to 80 % THC
    • Like Like x 1
  9. thank you very much I went ahead and picked one up. I’m hoping this allows me to get bigger hits without ruining the device!! This is the problem I have with my aura, but kandy pens Costner service is incredible so they basically just fix and replace everything for you! Here is a pic of my new toy!
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  10. Kool Kool
    One super cool thing the seahorse max has is the little black rubber mouth piece.
    you can actually lay the seahorse down on its side and not leak the water out of the bong/water percolator.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. For sure I will let you guys see what comes with it when it comes.
  12. Hi
    There is a hose that can be connected to the Seahorse Max And Pro that connects the Max or the pro to your bong .I think it would be like a two person effort.
    I haven't bought one yet but believe the hose comes with the Lookah Seahorse Pro .
    • Like Like x 1
  13. How about $30/g for high potency shatter? Would it still be a waste adding a bit to a bowl of weed? I haven't smoked it before and would like to try it but I don't wanna invest in more gear that I may end up not using or barely using like my dry herb vape and vape carts/battery to name a couple, unless it's really worth it for me. So would I at least get an idea of what to expect by smoking it as described above?
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  14. I mean you can put it on a bowl or a joint but it just doesn’t smoke very good that way. You would have a much better expirience if you got spend a few bucks on a honey straw and baby torch. This one I found on the internet is a little expensive but my head shop has them for like 5 dollars. I mean throw some of it on a bowl and smoke it who cares if you waste a little bit. You will get a million times higher with proper equipment though
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. Ah, okay. I'll poke around my local weed/headshops' on-line menus for a honey straw. Thanks for the tip.:thumbsup:
  16. I've had this longer than I can remember - Pyrex light bulb vape (marketed as the Bullet); can't locate it online even archived on old sites.
  17. That’s called a meth pipe sir and we don’t allow other drug talk here on the city! :lmafoe:
  18. Second time I've been slighted with this comment (no offense taken); motivated me to search a bit more and found this -Smoking Bubble Black Vaporizer - still being sold online.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. Ahhh not one for blazing 2 knives I feel it dude. Yea definitely melt it on the bowl if you got the bud it's safer and will make a bowl burn forever if you do it right, it cherries and no lighter is needed after the 1st flame. :biggrin:
    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. I understand your preference for a low-maintenance approach to smoking shatter without using a rig. If you're looking for an easy way to smoke shatter without a rig, try a vaporizer pen with a concentrate attachment or a dab straw.

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