Skillet Burn Stories! (Offical Thread)

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by Wykyd_Green, May 24, 2011.

  1. Haha where's the helmet cam when ya really need it! :hello:
  2. Went to dab a rookie the other day, after I heated the nail and was about to dome it, the rook turns my rig so that she can hit it....

    Just so happens my middle finger was level with my nail and when she turned it, it went right into my finger.

    Luckily I was on paying attention and only the first layer or so was scorched. Smelled gross as fuck.
  3. i was really crossfaded and decided to start heating up my nail even though there wasnt any water in my piece. then i realized there wasnt any water so i grabbed my ti nail to take it out but my fingers couldnt full grasp the nail for some reason and i was like wtf grab harder! turns out i was to crossed to feel my fingers burning in the first place so i grabbed it even harder and burned my fingers even more.
  4. I've accidentally touched my arm or hand on my hot Ti nail a few times, nothing too bad.

    One time though i had my bernzo propane torch and i got the metal nozzle super hot from repeated torching, i set it down next to me and it started to burn a 2-3 inch hole in my moms furniture.
  5. Just happened yesterday, I was heating up my nail and didn't realize the torch was aiming directly at a speaker, about 3 inches past the end of the flame but still managed to melt that shit. At least it still works lolol :cool:
  6. Fortunately i dont have any epic burn stories, but ive burnt myself a rediculous amount of times. Touching the tips of super hot torches, grabbing ti nails i thought were cool, ive knocked a ti nail outta my rig and burned a hole in my couch(better the couch than me),reaching for shit off my desk and brushing my arm against a hot nail from a dab 20 seconds ago. Dabs make me clumbsy :eek:
  7. Nice thread-

    I haven't burnt myself YET (though I HAVE pulled off some HELLA matrix dodges when some wax boiled and fell off the nail-)

    But my common (has happened twice) fuck up- is i use a glo wand- and im SOOOO careful about not burning myself with it-

    I place the glo rod on my lap . . . forget about it- then stand up to do something and send the wand LAUNCHING across the room> PRO.

    lol- the first time the wand was still hot- so i had to grab it with pliers before it burnt the floor with the hot end-
  8. i havent burned with myself yet but the other day i turned on my grill and one of the knobs was slightly turned on from last time i used it and the thing exploded a little bit lol the doors flew open and it was loud as hell lucky i was wearin jeans otherwise id have no leg hair my dad came in and thought i fell thought the floor or some shit!
  9. I grabbed my skillet once and it cooked my fingers before I knew it was burning. The smell alerted me to it. It was so hot I couldn't feel anymore the second I touched it. To this day I'm wary of touching my skillet until I test it first by tapping it. Lol
  10. Check it out my buddy dropped his nail on his bed and it rolled at his foot and he completely failed, check out the result haha.

    Attached Files:

  11. I think we should delete this thread as some day I can see the Feds using all these burn stories to show just how dangerous dabbing can be:smoking:.

    This thread is what convinced me nail over skillet. I will sometimes touch the glass that the nail is resting on to see if its warm or not.
  12. Haha no offense but theres no way in hell this thread would be used to by feds in their fight to make concentrates illegal, thatd be the weakest argument they could ever come up with.

    They would use the countless examples and fire dept reports of people blowing themselves and their places of residence/public spaces up.....

    PS: And if they do decide to use my thread against us I will literally give you one thousand us dollars.

    Now back on topic, my friend has a KO domless nail that we were firing up at a party and my friend goes to grab the piece not noticing where the KO is.....
    He ends up burning the shit out of his index finger AND finger nail smelled up the whole living room haha. Wish i still had a picture.

  13. Just got this birch the other day off my daily uploadfromtaptalk1391294104417.jpg
  14. Dnail** fuck auto correct lol

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