Skillet Burn Stories! (Offical Thread)

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by Wykyd_Green, May 24, 2011.

  1. A thread to tell the tales of your experiences with getting burned or seeing people get burned with a bong skillet/other smoking devices. Lets hear em!!

    Ill start.
    This 4/20 my good friend brought out the skillet for the first few hits of 4/20 :cool: After my massive dab a neighbor rolls up to our spot! I tried to maneuver the bong near the console out of sight when you hear a scorching sound. I ended up burning a nickle sized hole in his upholstery :( I did make it look way better though.
  2. hahaha. i was teachin my girl how to use my hot hit wand and she took it away from the bowlpiece afterwards and burnt the shittt out of her hair lol
  3. oh man..this is my thread.

    I have two perma burns on my thighs about an inch away from eachother from wax dripping off a skillet( first time burnt through shorts and boxers v.v). I have a wand imprint in my palm from someone handing me the wrong side. And I have a burn on my ankle from someone dropping the torch on my leg...
  4. haha ive got a burn from my vaporizer....
    A scar lmao

    What had happend was I had been smoking out of it at like 360 and i pulled the whip out of the vape, and held it, and reached around my hand with my other arm and ended burning a circle scar in my bicep haha I was so high i didnt realize that i was getting burned :eek:
  5. i ALLWAYS burn myself with my whip wand when high! haha

  6. Fuckin hate it hahaha :smoke:
  7. I have many diffrent from ramming the blunt into someones hand on accident instead of passing it to me, haha. I had another from me smokeing a lot of resin outta a pipe and not careing it was burning my hand. many little marks from hot bowls and shit
  8. Skillet itself is a fucking story alone. Never been too high to drive; and dabs are what did it.
  9. i was melting out the oil build up in my skillet and a fat sizzling drop landed on my hand and sizzled for a good second or two, still like three weeks later and theres a red mark on the top side of my hand

  10. It;s on your hand so theres a good chance it'll heal, but the one on my leg is 8 months strong haha.
  11. when i first bought my vertigo oil rig it had a pretty damn cheap glass nail that came with it, around 2 weeks after i bought it, the nail started to crack, well one day it finally broke and lucky the nail head fell right between my legs onto my floor, burnt a hole in my carpet, but its better than a hole in my nut sack.
  12. Tipped over my Oil Rig one day right after I heated it... Instinct kicked in, So I grabbed it before It hit the ground...

    The hot nail went right into my hand inside my pinky finger when I closed my hand ..

    I could hear skin sizzling , and smell cooking meat... It was nice..

    Had a nasty open burn wound for about 2 months before It finally started healing...

  13. Never really burnt anything badly with any of my toking tools. But around 4 years ago during summer i burnt my carpet pretty badly with one of my hookah charcoals.

    There were probably 5-6 of us in the back porch and we were smoking out of my old big ass hookah. Someone got up to go inside and instead of stepping OVER the hookah hose, he decided to step into it.

    The whole hookah tipped over spilling water/ash/tobacco/charcoals all over the ground. Basically causing a complete disaster in my back porch. So we clean everything up (atleast we thought we did) and setup the hookah again. When everyone starts to leave and i start to clean everything i decide to take a peak under the couch to see if i dropped anything.

    When i go to look under the couch there is probably a softball size burn in the carpet and 2 broken up charcoals sitting directly in the center. Immediately i throw some water on it to put out the charcoals and move the couch out of the way. Probably one of the worst burns i have ever seen in my life.

    Thank god the backporch was being re-done in a couple months and having slate put into it, but still i had to explain to my parents why there was a crater size burn in the carpet.

    Lets just say my desire to smoke hookah severely dropped after that incident......
  14. jeez. ive never used a skillet but im iimagining how blistering hot they get... fuck that
  15. burnt myself so many times with my EQ just grabbing it to pack another and burn but im like shit i cant drop it or it will break.. so from doing that over n over i barely feel the heat or i barely have feeling left in my fingers lol:rolleyes:
  16. had a couple times where wax dripped off the pad (this was before I had fully broken it in) and fell onto my leg......theres nothing to describe hot wax burning you. and then you realize that the stuff is so sticky that its burned into your skin and hair////took a few months before i couldnt see it anymore

    I've had a skillet and an oil globe for 3 years now so only 2 times is pretty good i'd say
  17. #17 chronickatcher, May 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Did u save the rig at least?
  18. Ouch Russy I was thinking we were safe from nail burns. I haven't burnt myself yet but I'll be sure to be extra careful of dripping oil when I get a skillet. Something your safe from with a nail.
  19. I have seen a guy actually catch his hair on fire trying to hit the bong once:laughing:

    I have been guilty of singing my eyebrows once though as well:eek:, my excuse is it was a crack lighter I was using.

    And I have grabbed the bowl a few times while it was still to hot, but no burn to bad though.
  20. ive burned my fings on a bowl piece before.. but thats about it. pretty badly too

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