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Safe crafting materials

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by blastFactsKudos, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. #1 blastFactsKudos, Apr 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2012
    Hey i was thinking about building something around a small glass bowl piece. I just wanted to know if hot glue is safe.. also what sort of tubing would be best? (I read something about pvc being bad.. though it wouldn't be in contact with direct flame)
  2. honestly, i wouldnt even bother, you can get some pretty cheap pipes out there, for like 5 bucks.
  3. but if you dont have a credit card, i know what you mean. personally i try to stay away from any kind of plastic when i build a piece and hot glue will melt if its near your bowl. get some "liquid nails" glue if you absolutely need to glue your pipe together but you can make a good one out of a block of wood or a few metal pipes if you have the right tools. but be advised: soft wood burns easily and the sap is usually toxic and softer metals like aluminum, copper, zinc are also bad to smoke out of because it gets into your bloodstream. also, most metal things you can find have some sort of polymer coating on them which is almost impossible to detect.

    some tips: use a bit like this:

    Google Image Result for!Bv8RzEgBWk~%24(KGrHqN,!hkEv1%2B0FVpiBMGpytbWmQ~~_3.JPG

    called a socket wrench head for your bowl because it is made of steel electroplated with chromium so youre safe there. hope that helps, sorry for the long reply
  4. I suppose that would be best health wise. I just liked the idea of having a crafts project again lol.

    It's not too long especially since it's helpful information.
  5. Last time I did bong repairs I used epoxy, I suppose you could look into using that as opposed to hot glue.

  6. everything this guy said is what i woulda said

  7. Go to your local hardware store's plumbing department. It's like a Build A Pipe workshop.

    Only use brass, though.
  8. Dont. Just roll a J or make something if your creative enough and have the right materials.

  9. I'm sorry but this is the most useless comment I've ever seen on any forum ever.
  10. #10 LordOfTerror, May 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2012
    Metals in order of safety steel, thick aluminum, brass, and copper although You should not use the copper. Never use zinc for this as it has a low boiling point and it quite dangerous to inhale.

    Plastic, plastics are fine to use if they do not come into contact with something hot i.e unflitered smoke, the bowl etc. If using plastic in a bong make sure it goes through the water before touching plasitc.

    Wood is fine to use for all parts, but make sure that it is not pressure treated, or a toxic wood like yew.

    Clay, as long as it's actual clay and not some other crap. Also make sure to fire it.:smoke:
  11. Please don't tell people to use copper...
  12. #12 LordOfTerror, May 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2012
    I meant that it was the least safe one that can be used even though it shouldn't, but thanks for telling me what it looked like so I can change it.

  13. Honestly, play it safe until you can get a real one, go into the woods, find a piece of wood about 5-7 inches, cut it into the shape of a spoon with a saw or sharp serrated knife, then drill a hole for the bowl, or twist a screwdriver into the wood a few times and round it, then drill/twist a hole for the mouthpiece to connect and drill/twist a carb. once you get good at it, you can sell them!
  14. #14 LordOfTerror, May 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2012
    Just don't use pine it sucks for your lungs.
  15. Alrite, so let me critique this information for all of u people like me that cant get a bong bcuz were kids.
    From my knowledge, u only listed 2 metals, copper and zinc, both are hazardous and SHOULDNT be used. U also listed ALLOYS which are a combination of different metals, and all of these will most likely contain small amounts of lead(absolutely horrible for u) unless u buy them from a smoke shop(or somewhere that sells metal for smoking out of). And steel will ALWAYS have some sort of lubricant or coating(the list of coatings go from metals or alloys to polymer coats), otherwise the steel will oxidize(rust). I hav no idea about wood so I wont give u my 2 cents on it, becuz frankly, I'm wondering about utilizing wood for a downstem/bowl. Lastly, clay. If u intend to use clay u must fire it twice, once to turn it into bisqueware(solidifying it and taking out many of the impurities) and second glazeware(to cover the clay, to ensure any impurities left in the clay dont contaminate ur water, and to avoid molding).
  16. "From my knowledge, u only listed 2 metals, copper and zinc, both are hazardous and SHOULDNT be used. U also listed ALLOYS which are a combination of different metals, and all of these will most likely contain small amounts of lead(absolutely horrible for u) unless u buy them from a smoke shop(or somewhere that sells metal for smoking out of). And steel will ALWAYS have some sort of lubricant or coating(the list of coatings go from metals or alloys to polymer coats), otherwise the steel will oxidize(rust)."

    Wow you didn't even read the first sentence of my post.
    "Metals in order of safety steel, thick aluminum, brass, and copper although You should not use the copper. Never use zinc for this as it has a low boiling point and it quite dangerous to inhale."

    Secondly alloys are specific mixes of metals and lead is not randomly thrown in otherwise it couldn't be called "brass". Steel sometimes has a coatin but normally it can be washed off if its a normal coating, polymer coated steel obviouly shouldn't be used I wasn't assuming people were special buying plastic coated parts for there bowls lol.

    And for a pipe clay only needs to be fired once.
  17. wow I'm pretty high but, did anyone else think this was about the tools you need to break into a safe? ...? :D thought it said 'safe cracking'
  18. No but... LOL
  19. btw wut mink said is semi-right. alloys made from foreign countries often are mixed with lead(its more cost efficient). the amounts usually are around 1-2% lead. These are specifically metals from china etc.
    Also, a pipe made from clay only needs fired once(same goes for anything under direct heat), but anything with water in it will need to be fired twice(or will need some coating if ur not using glaze).
    And steel is always coated(not talking about stainless-steel, just pure steel), it wud otherwise rust.

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