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Roor diffuser beads

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by mattc707, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. Stones are the shit. I had marbles in my pipe for like a month, and i thought they worked great. My shop just recently got in some Stones, so i decided to give them a try (they weren't much more than what the marbles had originally cost). I found that the Stones worked noticeably better than the marbles did. I have a diffused stem, with the stones, and one perc. I dont find much need for ice anymore.
    Also, i'm down with those hot bitches on the site!
  2. i live in aus... lol everytime a website or a product gets posted here, i never get the chance to check it out. most don't ship here.
    so for the people who wanna ebay, i just found these glass beads people use to make necklaces. they go for around 2 or 3 dollars for a whole packet. they're called bicone beads or something liek that. they even have holes inside em. might even break up the smoke a lil more. i'm gonna get myself a pack.
  3. Hey i was wondering if i could do this in my double bub, it would be sick to give it the extra weight and the feel of a double bub. Ill have to try it out this weekend :D
  4. #85 falcon10911, May 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2009
    I like how they do add a little drag. I first heard about them in this video, then looked into it and didn't really feel like ordering them so I waited for my local headshop to get them when more people requested them.

    EDIT: Also hashbean420 has a video about these like another poster said.
    He made his beads himself by taking a pyrex (something I forgot) and heated it up and cooled it down really fast.

    I wanted to keep my pyrex bowls so I just broke down and bought some 'diffuser beads' from the local headshop. :smoke:

    [ame=""]YouTube - home made roor difusor marbles[/ame]
  5. so i broke my diffusor a few days ago. just found some necklace beads that have been tucked away for sometime. heres a close up for the guys wondering. peace.

    works very well. much better than the diffusor imo.

    [ame=""]YouTube - home made diffusor beads[/ame]
  6. hey i don't know if anyone is still interested in this thread, but i picked up some cheap glass beads from a crafts store today and i took some pics and a video.




    looks like there is more water than there really is because of ice. shit melts so quickly.

    [ame=]YouTube - diffuser beads![/ame]
  7. I know this is an old thread but I just had an Idea...

    I have seen the RooR ones and the STONE ones but hey heres a thought

    I know how many people like ice in the bongs...not everyone has ice catchers, people like better diffusion and so now my thought is to hit two birds in one stone.

    Check it out its a glass diffuser marble with glycerin (like the Illadelph coil condensor) in it. Then you just put the marbles in the frozen they become ice cold but remain a liquid so the marbles do not crack. insert the marbles in your pipe and you have better diffusion and colder smoke. :wave:

    If anyone wants to copy this idea, all I would ask for is some of these marbles
  8. def overpriced but watever..iam sure you can find same beads for like 2$....

    seem cool but also hazard for jumping around and cracking your bong esp wehn taking em out or putting em in

  9. i dont think you have read my post?
  10. Those look pretty cool, but I'd use crushed ice instead, pretty sure it'd do the same thing except cools it more.
  11. get some glass thats about 6mm thick whatever size, heat it up preferably in a fire to get it red hot then drop it in some ice water and watch your beads form. i had green and brown glass and did that and it works like a champ probably diffuses beter than beads. the glass is sharp and there fore a lil bubble of smoke pushed against the edge of glass has more of a chance of splitting than it being pushed against a round bead. id go with broken glass.
  12. where can u get these at
  13. you can get them at a headshop or just go to your local arts and crafts store, i got some crazy handworked glass beads about two bucks for maybe ten of them, they're red with lil designs, ill post some pics but they're way cooler than just clear glass 14 $ roor beads
  14. [​IMG]

    i just found this pic right quick the beads arent really like this but the closest i could find right now they're red and some have different designs of white and shit mixed with the red shit looks sick at the bottom of your bong
  15. #96 BxEAZYx, Apr 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2010
    lol i was readin these posts and my g/f left to go to the store so i gave her a few bucks to swing by the doller store and pick up some marbles lol just to try sure i will be looking into some smaller ones though later down the road.regardless i wouldnt mind havin the roor beads though :smoking:
  16. Makes me wanna try to smoke through dipNdots. LOL!
  17. that would be fun until you had to clean the piece :)
  18. most people try to use the coldest water possible, but have you ever tried using HOT water? like steaming hot not boiling hot...ive heard itll hit you harder and quicker, opens up your lungs methinks.
  19. Maybe, but give it a shot and let us know. i got rep waiting for 'ya :)

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