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Quick Fix 6.2

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by coochwagon, Apr 10, 2019.

  1. #1 coochwagon, Apr 10, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2019
    Hey guys, so recently I got a position as a technician at a dealership in Southern California. Having smoked 3 weeks ago, I was not taking the chance at losing the opportunity over something so stupid. I ordered the Quick Fix from an official distributor with next day shipping. Came out to like $75 but I figured it was a worth while investment. It came the same day as my screening. I had bought another sample from a local headshop but it was expired and I'm pretty sure it was fake because the batch I ordered online came with a peel off under the lid while the headshop one did not. Anyway, I used the microwave for about 8 seconds to get it to about 95 degrees. It took me about an hour to get to LabCorp. I used a rubber band to secure it to my car heater and turned on the heat until it was at 100. When it went above 100 I would turn on the AC and keep it at what I assume was about 102-104 degrees. I stuffed it in my underwear. I decided against the hand warmer because it seemed to heat it well above 100 degrees. I had to wait for about 20-30 minutes in the waiting room. I did bring the hand warmer in my waistband just incase I had to heat it up. The lady collecting the sample told me I had 4 minutes to pee. Super fortunately, the bottle came right out of my pants at 94 degrees. I peed in the toilet (the toilet water was clear not blue) to make it atleast look like the quick fix sample came from my bladder. Luckily my pee was fairly yellow. The Quick Fix was very yellow. (I was a dumbass and dropped the empty bottle and it made a pretty loud noise like dropping a shampoo bottle in the shower. I think the lady heard it as I heard her laughing about it with the check in lady, but luckily she didnt ask me about it or I would have probably told her i dropped the sample cup. She examined the temp (94 degrees) and made me initial the sample. I was told it would take 3-4 days so I will update the thread with the results.

    EDIT: Just got a call from my new boss. All good. This stuff works at Labcorp. Just get the temp right :D
  2. When I was being tested my specimen would stay at 94F tucked up against my nuts. I only used the little heater once and it got it too hot. I bet your heart skipped a beat when you dropped the cup. The first few times I subbed my adrenaline would kick in making my hands shake a little when I'd pour the sub into the cup.
  3. I was really calm other than not knowing what temp it was at. Dropping the bottle almost ruined all the effort though
  4. I don’t like sample testers, this makes me out of balance because everyone has their own equipment. :love-m3j:
  5. Just used for the first and I hope only time. Waiting since Wednesday. Any current results/advice? Sweating bullets, would kind of like to keep my house.
  6. did you pass?????
  7. Hello all!

    I have a drug test coming up Monday and the anxiety level is at an all time high. I am planning on using quick fix plus 6.2 for an ePassport eCup pre employment drug test.

    Naturally I have been reading over every post on these forms I can find! That being said, I have used QF 2 other times but the last time was 2015. I was hoping to get some reassurance from people who have passed more recently using the same product.

    I know that temperature seems to be one of the most important factors. I’m really just trying to see how many people have been successful recently.

    I look forward to hearing some responses! Thanks in advance! PS I’ll be sure to update this post if I pass on 12/30
  8. Did you pass?
  9. Yes!

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