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Please please help me figure out what kind of bong I have n how to properly use it?! Please

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Maxlovesunicorns, Dec 22, 2019.


What kind of bong is this?? An where do I put in the water n how much? please help

  1. Perc? Honey comb?

  2. Idk

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  1. This is the bong I’ve added one picture of the whole thing then up close pictures of the different parts. Really would appreciate some knowledge and input!! Thanks !!

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  2. what does the giant red letters on the mouth piece say?

    the water level looks about right.
  3. so wouldn't that be the "kind of bong it is" ????
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Idk that’s why I’m asking
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. I'd say it's glass ? :RoorRip:
  6. I have a very similar glass bong. Your bong seems to be a (from bottom to top) Stemless bong with a diffuser, 2 Honeycomb percs, some weird looking percs on stacked on top of each other which I do not know (I assume they're turbine percs) with an ice catcher.

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