I already tried apples, empty cigarettes, and shitty plastic bottle bongs. I now currently have apples and a broken spoon-pipe containing only the bowl which is hard to smoke out of. I was thinking of just going to the local store and buying a Sobe to make a bong out of that. Is there any better ways...? There aren't any headshops in my area either.
Jump into that ounce with a parachute my friend. GERONIMO!!!! http://forum.grasscity.com/recreational-marijuana-use/79723-parachutes-waterless-gravity-bong.html
Mechanical pencil and apple. Take apart the pencil to make a sturdy straw, or use a long straw. Take the stem off the apple, take part of the pen and drill a small hole from the stem to the bottom, but no air can escape. Then poke a hole in the side big enough for your straw. Another hole on the other side for a carb, and rip it hard. You don't need foil, you can just pack it on the top
How about you "give" some to a friend then go buy a spoon at your lhs for like 10 bucks. Unlesssss you're not 18. Then gtfo haha
Got papers, blunts, bonds; all the ingredients to make a high ***** pie. Eehehehe. Haha but seriously, apple pipes, an emptied out zebra pen makes a good one hitter, water bottle pipes and bongs. I'm like macgyver when it comes to homemade smoking tools. Empty out a bic pen for a stem and stick a drill bit on top for a bowl. Then light a safety pin to make a small hole in a water bottle to stick the pen in for a bong
I just got some mango kush and it's good. go get some rollies or blunt or make something worth smoking out of
Nothing like a foil pipe, you have to be pretty stupid/high to not be able to make one Its all I smoked out of for like 1.5 months, nothing wrong with it except the smoke is a little hot
If you can afford an ounce of "mango kush" then you can go buy a blunt or bong. And if your not 18, then i doubt you have either an ounce or "mango kush". So be happy with what you got.
Get a plastic bottle, take the top and melt a metal bowl into it. Cut small hole into bottom of said bottle, fill bottle with water, keep finger on hole cut in bottle. Put kush in bowl, light kush, then remove your finger from the hole you cut in the bottle. Let bottle fill up with smoke, take the hit. Seriously how hard is it to make a gb?
Thats why you use metal for the bowl. I have a bong and about 4 glass pipes. But i still use my GB sometimes just because i want to.