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One of my first homemade bongs

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by xLDKx ReApZz, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. mott's apple juice bottle, toilet paper roll, duct tape, pen tube, pencap for carb , and PURE aluminum
    i just wanted to know what everyone thought, anything i did wrong?
    even though its hits like a champ

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  2. I wouldn't smoke out of that. Get a socket for the bowl, ditch that aluminum.

    Find a way to make a better down stem.
  3. i figured on the stem...but thought it was just tin foil that was bad?
  4. Ditch the aluminum foil, every time you put your lighter over it you are inhaling vaporized aluminum. It's horrible for your lungs.
  5. aluminum foil/tin foil are both shit.
  6. alright...gotta figure out what size socket'll be a good fit
  7. steel now...stem is sealed better now too...still a tp roll due to lack of better things

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  8. Have you ever heard of a waterfall bong? Just shove a socket into the cap of a water bottle/ 2 liter, cut a small hole in the bottom of the bottle, fill it up with water, light the herb, then let the water slowly drain out while the bottle fills with smoke. Use the bottom hole as a carb, and just unscrew the top and enjoy.
  9. Thats your carb at the top lol? You're just skimming air. The carb is supposed to be at the bottom.
  10. use a socket for the bowl, and rip apart some pens/markers for the downtube/ bowlstem.

    melt or tape the socket to matching sized pen body, one thats open on both ends ofc.
    then find a marker or a highlighter and rip it apart for the body, just make sure the pen/marker fit nicely within each other.

    i mean i wouldnt really recomend it, but if its all you can get ur hands on, go for it.

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