yeah, sure. actually, i'll just write up at nice little tutorial. i can't at the moment, my dad and i are leaving to go pick up his new 1967 pontiac grand prix once i get back home at around four-ish i start working on it. i'll post it in the toking tools section. just suscribe to this thread and you'll see it later today
alright, just finished the tut. check it out
Fucking a man, great song to smoke to, me and my buds have numerous times with that song and "thatta boy" often follows after a nice heavy hit and clean clear haha + rep for sounding like chill people to smoke with and a fucking awesome homemade bongg for sure!
haha, thanks man. after living in my school's dorm rooms for such a long time i've learned that being chill is the best way . hell, i'll smoke with anyone if they wanted to!
I think I'm going to make my own version of this, call it 'The Prescription'. Will definitely be checking out your tutorial for help on this project, very well done sir. +rep
Thanks man, I appreciate it. If you have any questions at all, feel free to shoot me a PM. I'd be more than happy to help you out!
nope, not at all. Check out this review of a Roor carbon filter
ive made some pretty crafty home-mades of my own, but this is one of the best i have seen. great work, thanks for sharing too. I might just have to try this out.
For sure man, I don't mind at all. Just helping out a fellow toker when it comes to getting even more baked
Just remember that one of the advantages of this bong is that it can break down into unassuming little pieces, which you can hide in different spots. Then, you can make your own styles, depending on the situation where you were smoking.
dude, that looks like a nice creation. i just don't approve of the metal/not glass bowl . get a glass downstem and you'll rip it much better... just my .02, but very nice.
yeah man, I've actually thought up a newer design that incorporates a glass downstem. Here, I was actually talking about this in another thread, my how-to on this piece. I said in one of my replies about finding different materials for making said bowl and downstem: Second-As for a bowl, one thing you could do is get a much wider tube than what I originally said. Probably like highlighter width. Then, cut it so it's about the same length that's needed for the downstem. Then, get an empty soda can and cut a circle out of it, with a two inch diameter. Cut a straight line from the outside of the metal circle straight to the center of the circle, so that you can twist the two sides together and make a cone shape out of the metal. Now, cut the pointed end off the cone so that there's a hole in the bottom. Then, you can go to a local headshop and purchase one of those glass stems. Make sure that the hole in the metal cone is JUST big enough for the slide to pull in and out. Now, just attach the metal cone to the highlighter tube and that's your downstem. I'm not sure what else you could use, but I'm sure you can find something. Just take a visit to your local hardware store and search around for something suitable. Hope this helps!
Here's another few milkvids I took over the weekend, enjoy Me milking (Milkvid 1) My bud milking (Milkvid 2) And hell, why not. Me milking my bud's dub bub (Double Bubbler Milkage) ^^By the way, when my friend taps my hand it's because he thought he heard his dad coming, but then realized he heard something. Paranoia FTW
Sweet job man, could you give me some detail about how you made the percs? It's kind of hard to tell by the pics.
Sure, just check my How-To on the bong here: