NJ has officially Legalized and Decriminalized Cannabis

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by lessthanjeezy, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. Is weed legal in NJ? What to know about recreational marijuana bill
    Governor Murphy signed bills yesterday legalizing the sale of cannabis to adults 21+ and decriminalized up to 6 ounces of cannabis with no legal penalty (and I am pretty positive you keep the weed too).

    Smell is no longer probable cause for a search, the only negative is still no home grow at all even for medical patients. A single plant is a felony, so that is the next step to work toward reform.

    But feeling good today. The Garden State is going to get a whole lot greener
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  2. With home growing still not legal, what do you believe will happen if you do grow your own? I guess you would have to do something really stupid for them to bust you. Especially if its just a handful of plants for your own use.
    Do you think they will even look for people growing or just leave it alone? Keep posting if you hear anything new!
    Thanks for the post.

  3. Congrats NJ! You no longer make criminals out of otherwise law abiding citizens, like my state.
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  4. Don’t want to complain. It’s progress, but you have to question the logic of the six ounce number and the no grow policy. I can see making it illegal to sell without a license. People suck and will sell bad shit. Some kind of regulation is to be expected, but how much I grow and keep on my own property should not be part of that regulation. There’s no reason to be walking the streets with 6+ ounces, but stay the fuck off my lawn!
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  5. If you grow your own, the gov't won't get their $$$ from taxes.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. It is technically still listed as a felony for even a single plant. I personally don't think it is something they are going to look for, especially someone in their house growing a few plants. But if you have a warehouse and they find it, I am sure they will be prosecuting that. Definitely going to be pushing legislators for home grow, one of the Senators introduced at least a home grow bill for med patients recently.
  7. Congrats on the process:) thats a big step forward. 6+ ounces yeah..

    In times like these its easy to lose freedom and gain shackles. Good work that corona did not overshadow those things
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  8. I know I personally made a lot of calls and sent a lot of emails to legislators along with a lot of my other friends. The grassroots crowd was definitely loud on this issue once we passed it by a 2/3 margin in November. Definitely gotta be a squeaky wheel to the legislators
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Happy happy joy joy.

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