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New steamroller

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Mao_Zebong, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    Got the pvc pipe and the bowlpeice for free from the woodshop room at my school, the teacher just let me have it haha.

    o and some cid, no big deal haha

    edit sorry for the big pic
  2. Is that bowl made out of copper?
  3. Get a new keyboard.

  4. What does you showing off that cid gain you? >_> Also if that bowl is made out of copper, get rid of it. Go to the store, or find somewhere online like grasscity, and buy a screw on metal bowl. You can use it for almost any home made smoking device.
  5. that pipe is almost as disgusting as your keyboard lol
  6. #6 Mao_Zebong, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2010
    No its not copper

    and dont hate, it was free and yeh my keyboard is a piece of shit haha
  7. Smoking out of PVC is dangerous. Don't do it.
  8. Your keyboard is so grimey bro....
  9. thats healthy dude!....:bolt:
  10. Can anyone say...CANCER?

    Not trying to be a dick, but seriously. Smoking out of PVC piping is asking for medical complications. not only smoking out of it is bad, but it being near you and you inhaling without and flames at all is bad too, so you could imagine how awful it is to smoke.
  11. Smoking out of PVC is extremely dangerous and i'm pretty sure those doses are fake. Real doses don't bend at the edges.

    Computer Paper + Printer = Profit
  12. gotta like the way a steamroller hits...but unfortunately i do feel like i have to repeat the health concerns with smoking out of any plastic/metal/pvc/not glass. I used to like making my own pieces too, but for sure consider something glass. also if those pieces aren't just dry fit together and theres any sort of glue please dont ever use it again...I'll sparkle a piece of glass to legality and send it to you, just please don't be the first to die of weed related causes
  13. unless you're using a torch to light your bowl, and you hold it on there for 30 seconds, and let it melt the pvc, then he's fine. why shouldn't he?
  14. #14 JuicyyLemonG, Jan 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2010

    Polyvinyl chloride A.K.A. PVC Is extremely bad for your lungs. Vinyl and chlorine are not meant to be inhaled... Just buy a spoon from your local headshop for $10-20 and enjoy a good NON-TOXIC high. I wouldn't be making this stuff up... I urge people to inform anyone they know that smokes out of PVC to stop :wave:


  15. ya I learned that tonite, but no biggie I got em for free sooo....

    Hell thats a good idea cids in such demand around here I could prolly do that and let the placebo effect take way.

  16. Way to be a dick.

  17. This. Don't be "That guy" that you can never really trust. If that's what you're into, be honest and legit about it.

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