It's glass right? (also, pack that bowl in more. It makes me cringe to see weed on the edge of falling out.
Very nice. I need to get a glass drill bit. I have plenty of sobe, arizona, and jones soda bottles all around here just asking to be made into bongs...
would have made more of an angle for the bowl so nug wouldn't fall out. other than that nice home made.
Hot glue to make it fit right, and then this sealant that I'm not sure about. We didn't worry about making the joint too pretty because the necklace is there and you can't really see it.
that looks sick you've inspired me, lemme guess low RPM's on that drill so the glas doesnt shatter huh imma be gathering objects from now on to make one sick-ass bong haha peace out 420 24/7
If you drill the bottle in a sink of full water you shouldn't have a problem with breakage. Don't use a plug-in drill either .
I swear to Pac I'm not lying or trying to be a dick but that picture of your bong actually made my nuts hurt,Bad , I think I have Testicular cancer now.