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New homemade with ash catcher & 2ft ice chamber!

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by geck0n0x, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. Check out my newest homemade, its just over 2 feet long, the stem is made from hose pipe, and the bowl is just some bolt i found laying around at work :rolleyes: Its all 100% airtight and rips like a motha' fucker, should see me through until i can afford the illadelph beaker i want.

    Please comment and rate! :D

    Attached Files:

  2. Damn no love..?

  3. looks pretty good for a HM piece, i like the way u made it form to the face. toke on
  4. Just be careful not to burn the electrical tape. That shit puts off some nasty fumes.

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