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New homemade glass bong... sorta

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by KHA0S, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. I had one of those bong Vodka bottle at the house, and stumbled upon it yesterday while searching for something. Rather than go spend money on a new bong, I decided to turn the bottle into one. I went and got a glass drill bit and drilled out a hole for the bowl in the sink. Then I took a stem I had lying around used made a ghetto seal until I get rubber gaskets tommorow. I just smoked the first bowl out of it and I'm blazed.


    Probably going to start making bongs out of all sorts of random things now that I can do the glass drill. I want another one of these bottles.
  2. Nice! I'm working on a glass coke bottle bong, but it's literally taking forever. That bong looks legit too.
  3. Welcome to the club! This is on the Mt. Rushmore of homemade glass projects. My friend and I drilled a clear one of those once... now they came out with these really cool artistic bottles, we got PISSED. Now we're saving up the cash to get a new one.

    Did the hole turn out good? We sealed ours with a rubber gromit, looks way clean.
  4. +rep for doing what ive been wanting to do for a while!!!
  5. Fucking DIY... I love it! The fact that you made that instantly makes it more sentimental and valuable than a store-bought glass bong. Good work bro! Stay high! :smoke:
  6. The whole came out fairly clean. I went and took a little sand paper and worked on the edges of the hole so that it was smooth. I drilled slowly mostly underwater so the bong didn't crack at all.
  7. Haha yeah we do underwater 100% of the time when making the hole. Expanding it... usually dry drilling.

    Well damn man... looks like you need to get a pic of a milkshot now.
  8. soundrone army unite!
  9. Took this pic with your droid? And nice peice, Looks sort of professional. Atleast someone isnt as dumb as my uncle "You dont need water or a glass drill bit.. Just gotta go REAL slow.. then it wont crack." But he doesnt make bongs. x]
  10. Yeaaaa.... no.
  11. Right now I'm using a bowl I just had lying around the house, looks kinda crappy and has smoe tape on it. Gonna hit up the local head shop this week and get a good bowl and downstem for it.
  12. What size bit and downstem did you use?
  13. I don't have a downstem in it yet (just been using a cheap bowl). I believe it was either a 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch. I'll check tommorow when I'm near my tools.

    Also, I cannot stress enough how important it is to make sure you have constant water on the area your drilling and around, otherwise it will crack.
  14. I made a hole in a glass snapple bottle with a dremel.... and no diamond bit... i used the bits it came with.... the ones for sanding and drilling lol took like an hour altogether lol
  15. So I should keep water running on the bit as it's going in? Is there anywhere else?
  16. Holes can be made in glass using a home made drill bit for glass. Just take a piece of metal tubing the same size as the hole you want and make two cuts on one end of the tubing in an X configuration. Place the uncut end into a drill and go slow. Also lighter fluid can be used as a cutting fluid to help prevent cracking of the glass. :smoke:

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