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New homemade clay bowl

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Zhanack_Zero, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. Clay bowl I made today.
    It's about 4.5" in length, 2" tall, and 1" thick. [​IMG]
    It's basically one big chamber. There is no draft hole. I have a carb on the left hand side, the bowl at the front, and the mouth piece at the back. It works great. :smoking:
  2. I made one like that a long time ago...

    Lemme guess, 9th grade art class?
  3. It was 7th grade here. In 9th grade we made pipes.

  4. Nah, lol. Just found some clay at home.
  5. You have a kiln at home as well?

  6. I used my oven, it's not kiln grade clay.
  7. i see

  8. Be careful man. I had made a little firgurine and tried baking it in the oven when I thought it was dry, bbbuuttt it blew up because it wasn't dry enough.

    edit- clay dust and millions of little pieces of clay is not fun to clean from an oven, trust me.
  9. make sure that shit doesn't have silica whcih is glass, that can fuck up your lungs real quick
  10. for a price...
  11. looks like a chocolate taco

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