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New Grinder + Clear Joint

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by Fuel, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. So I smoked a clear joint the other night. I rolled the paper around a pen cos I can't roll, lol. The lighter for size comparison is a mini lighter.

    Also, my new grinder just came in. It's a 5-piece Sharpstone. I had to grind up some paper in it cos it did have flecks of metal shavings, but I did it a few times and checked it and there were none left. It works very nicely with two screens. :D

    The last picture is the grinder with my pipe. :smoke:

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  2. you lucky bastard, i have the four piece sharpstone and i LOVE it.
  3. i have that exact grinder, i really like it better than any 4 pc ive ever had, 2.25 is the perfect size too
  4. So I've used the grinder a few times since I picked it up today and it's awesome. :hello: This is the first time I've owned a grinder in my six years of smoking, so it's a nice luxury, lol. :D
  5. keep practicing rolling, you'll get better eventually.
  6. Yea the pencil around the paper made me laugh, but I'm not ragging on you...Congrats to getting a nice grinder...Fill that bad boy up with a shit load of kief quick! haha
  7. We all gotta start somewhere, and I see nothing wrong with using the pen method to get better at rolling J's. My only advice is don't get dependent on it. Practice makes perfect.
  8. I prefer glass by a lot, so it's sad to say, but I might never learn to roll. >> I might put myself up to it one day, but probably not soon. I plan on getting a bong first, lol.

    And the keif is piling up pretty quickly. :D
  9. Nice, man. Especially diggin the grinder.

    Believe me, though... you will like joints MUCH better once you learn to actually roll them. Just sit down with some tobacco/weed, a pack of papers, and some patience and you'll have it long before that pack runs out I bet ya.
  10. i like the grinder.
  11. nice grinder!
  12. #12 tyrone biggums, Jan 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2009
    i bought that grinder on ebay a year or so ago for 22 dollars. came with a kif press and scraper/cleing brush too. does the job just fine, no need for space case costs.

    edit: and i hate those clear papers. its pretty much just a thick layer of the gum that hold regular paper together.. i think. shit burns weird as hell and goes out a lot.
    also why post pics of a grinder? kinda dumb, but oh well i still posted here.
  13. I'm sad to admit that I've never seen a clear joint before, seen the wraps but never seen one all rolled up, and I've never seen a 5 piece sharpstone either. Both look great and +rep for a nice purchase:smoking:

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