New Android Grasscity Community App Now Live...and Free

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forums App' started by RMJL, May 23, 2013.

  1. We push an update to resolve the crash issues some users were facing

  2. Update seems alot smoother for Android. Really makes a difference, good job guys

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SG-HIGHASFCK using Swishers and Herb

  3. Anyone know how often to feed a big 4 18 ltr ?? With a 60/40 coco gold mix

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. Hey everyone what's up😎
  5. Any ffarm users out there!
  6. I have been getting this, mostly in the last day. I've tried uninstalling, and such. Sometimes it allows me on, other times it does not. Mostly not.

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