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Need help with homemade bong asap

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by triplecde, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. [quote name='"triplecde"']

    I smoked from the bong last night however it was very harsh when inhaling, is there anything i can do to make it cooler? Cheers buddy[/quote]

    Diffuse the stem or add an ashcatcher.

  2. Do you mean change the pen? how do i add an ash catcher? thanks buddy

  3. until then take a paperclip and bend it into a spiral and jam that in there as a screen, works like a dream
  4. He doesnt mean change the pen, he means take it out and make slits in the bottom of it. similar to a perc, it will break up your smoke into more bubbles and that will cool it more. Ash catchers are just another small water chamber between the bowl and stem. As the name suggests, it catches all the ash that you might accidentally pull through the bowl, and its one more water chamber meaning its that much cooler.

    You should use the coldest water you can and on top of that you might want to find a way to make ice catchers and just throw ice cubes in too. Super smooth then man :D
  5. Put two same size buds And push them together down on the botton of the socket and take apart bud and place it on top.

    Make sure not to put the flmae directly into the socket.

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