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need help, making my own bong

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Maj0ra, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. im making a bong out of a glass vase i found at a store and im wondering the best method to make a carb on it without a drill bit since i dont have the right size glass bit for it. thanks
  2. i have asked this question before and gotten no anwser i promise you that you need the right drill bit size or my advice is use the glass drill and make the hole to bog and just duct tape the space around the area of the stem that you want it to stop that way its airtight and it will slide
  3. what would happen if i used a normal drill bit normally used for wood
  4. CRACK :eek:
  5. Best piece of advice I can offer is get creative but don't use any toxic products like plastic, aluminum, or some types of clay's. this is only for areas exposed to direct heat. you could seal things with hot glue if u needed like the female piece of the bong. Aweful lot of trouble to make when u can just buy them yourself, or u can take a trip down to the hardware store and make some metal pieces, but glass is so amazing! Save up some loot and buy a bad ass piece dude! You'll be glad u did :D
  6. ye im buying one this fall just thought id do some experimenting
  7. i just used the drip bit i used for the down stem only cut a slit for the rush, works like a charm and is really weed efficient
  8. Im a pro at making home made glass pieces. Ive made hundreds with the hole drilling method and they all work like a charm. And whatever you do for gods sake dont make a carb -_- Make it a slider, youll thank yourself when your trying to clear it and you cant quite get it all the way clear because its still cherrying and you waste some of your precious thc filled smoke

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