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My Triple chamber homemade bong

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by skaterlace, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. thats actually freaking ingenuous idea, if there was a way to refine the pill bottle idea to a science that could go places.
  2. Oh its ghetto as fuck haha. i just had the hydrosuction idea and was like fuck it haha. thanks though:D
  3. i completly agree, but you heard it from me first ;) i figured it is a pretty good idea so i had to think of a name for it. i really wish i had those kinds of resources to get this thing into production or something. and not so damn ghetto either. haha if only i was rich :rolleyes:
  4. Hydrosuction? That isn't even a word man...
  5. that vinyl tubing must taste great after smoking with it
  6. its a combination of two words lol, like hydrodynamics, hydroelectric, hydrophobia, but it essentially sucks water, hydro(water)suction.:)
  7. Actually this tubing is heat resistant, and the smoke is cooled so well that i could probably even use normal vinyl tubing. the most unhealthy part about this would be the aluminum foil, and after 3 trips through water it is nonexistent, so the smoke would be the worst part. screw using regular plastic tubing i think i tould die, and plastic on fire would'nt taste very good.
  8. and actually even though it is a word, it has been used before quite a bit, just look up the word in google.

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