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my newest home made!!

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by sleepy96, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. So i decided i wanted something a bit smaller, but that still hit smooth. So i came up with this:
















  2. things fucking tight bro.

    thats a homemade more worthy than mine :cool:

    you must've spent days doing all those percs and whatnot
  3. fuckin sick... how long did it take to make???
  4. it actually didnt take too long to make the percs, it actually took longer just getting it all sealed. lol

    thanks dude, it took about maybe 3 hours total
  5. That is a monster! Haha it looks real deceptive... probably messes you up quick.
  6. wow thats crazy! i bet it hits like a train lol
  7. lol it kinda does actually! Definitely different with tht 2nd perc thing.
  8. That's fuckin sick.

    But you should do it with a glass bowl, so it doesn't kill you....
  9. words cannont express the awesome
  10. Ya...small...
  11. haha, that's an insane homemade. hahaha i would love to smoke out of that
  12. damnn thats just outta controlll haha you gotta get a milk vid brothaa
  13. thats intense!
  14. haha ive made some shit in my day, but this is crazy.

    Is that sucker air tight? Bet it hits like a beast if it is
  15. i would love for a milkshot vid if possible. this is impressive
  16. It's like a Gatorade orgy! :p
  17. Damn. Thats one of the nicest Homemades I've seen in a while!

    Care to take a milkshot? I want to see this thing in action! :D
  18. ive made some sick homemades but this is by far the best looking one ive seen
  19. Nice man! +rep
  20. overkill in my opinion but i prefer simple clean ones, but this is still sick for tech ones!

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