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My Homemade Vape

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by ElectricTea, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. Hey all, I built this thing and was so proud of it that I had to share. Any feedback would be nice, good or bad.

    Features: Voss bottle chamber (glass), soldering iron element, dual whip w/carb, UV LED's for illumination of vapor (with on/off switch), Solid brass bowl, temp control (well, no readout but it is sufficient), hammerite paint finish.

    It hits HARD, let me tell you lol. My friend and I were blazed off our balls without any aching lungs or red eyes, and the taste was great!


    Attached Files:

  2. Holy shit that's awesome +rep for a tut man, one of the best homemades i've seen.

  3. Thanks :D

    Unfortunately I didn't take any pics of the process, so it would be harder, but I might do a tut someday. I'm planning on building a bong later today.
  4. Just wondering, should this be in a homemade section or something? Sorry for the double post.

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