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My Homemade Pieces :P

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by LinksLegionaire, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. #1 LinksLegionaire, Apr 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2012
    Hey guys, just wanted to show you some of the bongs/pipes/bubblers I've made.

    I usually buy vases from Goodwill then spend a looooong time drilling a hole in them, careful not to break the glass, which is one of the most heartbreaking things ever.

    Until I find something better, I use brass plumbing parts for the bowl. I eventually plan on finding something made out of glass that I can use for a bowl.

    I know I could just buy something, but there's just so much more satisfaction in making your own pieces. Plus more money for weed :p


    This is my first bong I ever made. It used to have an aluminum downstem (made from a Peace Tea can), then I made a diffuser out of pen tube, and finally I found a strange 'vase' that's very similar to a test tube. Added a rubber grommet and BAM, it's nearly perfect and is by far my favorite piece to use.

    I also made a diffuser out of a test tube that works with it, but I prefer an 'open' stem on this bong.


    Again, a vase with a pen tube diffuser. I plan on making a better downstem.


    Pipe with carb:
  2. What do you use to make the holes in the glass?
  3. A glass-bit drilling set.
  4. where'd ya pick that up at? that glass drill set yo?
  5. way to go op...
  6. firstly, wicked job the grommets look like they fit well. secondly, the mouth pieces look large is it easy to get a good seal?
  7. Home Depot

    Nope, not too large at all. I've never had any problems :smoke:
  8. i agree grommets look nice bowls are secure. The first pic, my mother has that same vase, I always thought man that would make a cool bong thank you for making it come true :smoke:

    Looks like it would be easy to take a fat rip and get a good seal on the first one but the second one looks possible but tricky. Like someone with a certain mouth shape/size may not fit :(

    Edit: Unless I'm misjudging size. How tall is the second one OP?
  9. Glad I could make your dream come true :p

    The first can get crazy good hits. The downstem has a diameter of roughly 13mm (.5in) so there's no drag at all.

    The second one is roughly 15in tall. The mouthpiece is a little large, so it looks funny when someone uses it. But no one that's used it has ever had any problems getting a nice hit.

    You can't really tell from the pic, but the downstem isn't 'lined up' with the angle of the mouthpiece. I wasn't paying attention when I was drilling and drilled in the wrong spot >_<.
  10. Before I had the capability to go to a headshop I would have been more than happy with one of those pieces.

    Well done.

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