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My Homemade*PERSONAL CHAMBERED HOOKAH* a must see *getting a patent*

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Illusionist, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. #1 Illusionist, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2009
    Its what youve all been waiting for

    Ass you see this is literally a 3 chambered bong. Think of it as a personal chambered hookah. All chambers fill up at the same speed and is designed so that everybody gets the same amount of smoke. if your smoking alone or with just one other person all you have to do is close up the end that is not in use. and the other chambers fill up too getting you three hits in one. its got a slide, but it can also be cleared by twisting off one of the caps(if smoking alone)






    Please if you want to know how i made this beautiful bong pm me and ill fill you in. Please tell me what you think. feel free to post any questions you may have about it. i hope to get this patented and made into glass as an Illusionist Original. Dont take credit for my work. I am pretty sure this has never been done before. So if you dont have pics to back it up then save your breath. just sayin. i worked hard on making this. But any ways let me know what ya think!
  2. im about to reinvent an old homemade of mine too! note, this will take some time to complete but the wait will be worth it, ill get back to you in an hour or so with pictures
  3. lol. competition?
  4. Nah. How big is this badboy gonna be?
  5. its a secret... shhhh. ill pm you first with a photo. i really wish i could get it patented. it is a bad ass invention. im also gonna send a photo to glass blowers and see if they can make it for me out of glass. so awesem
  6. almost done.
  7. I wanna see this shit!
  8. ok everybody behold it in all of its glory
  9. OP do u play guitar? pm me.
  10. nice.
    looks like fun.
    i'm smoking outta my homemade
    steamroller right now.
  11. Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk

  12. milk vid will probably be up tomorrow. im no probation and got a drug test tomorrow, but ill get my buds to rip it. three vids. one with one person, one with 2 people and one with all three chambers BLAZIN
  13. Isn't that basically a hookah without charcoal and water bottles instead of tubes.
  14. haha wow, that looks amazing.
  15. like i said, a personal chambered hookah. but its way better. hits harder than any hookah.
  16. But you just said you haven't hit it yet
  17. thats why the title is "an old homemade" Ive made one before but somd dick was chillin with us and he got pissed cause i wouldnt let him hit it, so he ripped the bottles off. it was fucked up. anyways i saw the thread for a three chambered bong, so i thought id show my version.
  18. Come on blades Check it out +bump
  19. looks like good times...i would definitely hit that

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