i work in my fiances uncles machine shop, and we use alot of pneumatic fittings around here, and i got bored on break and stumbled upon a nice little drawer full of them! decided id grab a few and make me a nice little pipe i used 3 pieces along with a threaded connecter tube. added a rush hole in the side using a carbide drill bit, and used a hand engraver to add 420 below the bowl, and used the carbide drill bits to add little dimples around the pipe because i was bored . the pipe itself is 4 3/4 inches long and probably between 1/2in and 3/4in diameter around. the bowl is a half inch diameter, and about a half inch deep as well. only thing i have left to do is to find a little screen to use for the bowl, as the hole is rather large. and im not wanting to use aluminum or something crappy, as im wanting to keep the pipe forever. not that i dont have glass, i just wanted a cool little home made pipe. heres some pics! inside the bowl 420 below the bowl the rush hole top view of full pipe side view of full pipe if anyone has any idea on what to use for a screen, id appreciate it, im thinking about using the screen from a sifter like the ones u use in the kitchen, or using the one from under the faucet in the sink, but kinda iffy about it, because i dont want an old ass nasty one, even if i clean it, id still feel like it was dirty. thanks!
i said i got glass. wanted a home made pipe, and brass is fine to smoke out of as long as its cleaned. which i already soaked it, cleaned the top layer off with a scotch brite wheel, and soaked it in soap/water again, all im going to do now is boil it, and i plan on keeping it
Go to a head shop and buy a pack of screens for 50 cents? Or just buy some new faucet filters and use one of them.
hadnt thought about the head shop idea, but actually was just thinking of the faucet filter idea. thanks
I mean, head shops sell filters made to be smoked through, so it's safer. And if you don't know what a head shop is, it's just a smoke or tobacco shop. I had no idea what a head shop was when I first heard it, wasn't sure if you knew.
haha i deff know what a headshop is, ive been blazin for 6-7 years. we got like 8 within a 25 mile radius, i just hadnt thought about them sellin filters for some reason, im for sure gunna grab a couple packs though, i mean i got glass but i just like diff kinds of pipes, i got a couple soap stone and wood pipes too, just thought a cool little brass pipe would be nice to have, since it was free of course haha
Yeah just ask for them, they keep them at the counter. A pack of six here runs for 50 cents, but the guy at the counter typically throws me a free pack whenever I buy somethin.
alright for suree now that you mentioned it ive seen them there before i just never needed any, i always used glass screens that look like little tripod spikes. def wouldnt work for this haha but ill grab some tmrw thanks again man