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My home made tools (mostly)

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by MethodxMan, Dec 25, 2010.

  1. These are all the tools i use on a day to day basis, and i was wondering are other people in other countries smoking the same way i am? let me know what you think!

    Water bong, made from drink bottle and hose

    Buck[FONT=྄ݙrdana]y or Bucket, cone piece is placed ontop bucket is filled with water, small holes drilled into the bottom of the green tea bottle hold flame over cone and lift bottle as water drains smoke will fill the bottle, then suck and push bottle back into water (water helps push the smoke back up into your lungs.
    [FONT=྄ݙrdana]Lungy, bottle with plastic bag taped around sides put flame over cone as you pull the plastic bag out, the bag fills with smoke and is easily suck back inside the bottle as you inhale.[/FONT]
    [FONT=྄ݙrdana]Inhaler, made from a real inhaler with a cone piece super glued to the actual inhaler piece, works like a charm with the valve on the chamber[/FONT]
    [FONT=྄ݙrdana]Bottle, Pump or Squezy. 3/4 fill with water, push sides of bottle together pushing the water level up. put flame over cone peice realse the sides of the bottle slowly as the water level drops again smoke fills the bottle, then simply squeze the smoke back into your lungs.[/FONT]
    [FONT=྄ݙrdana]spots, pretty obvious. take 2 hot knives and burn your herb under the toking device of your choice.[/FONT]
    [FONT=྄ݙrdana]ressy spots, heat cone piece scrap resin with needle place needle on hot knife, inhale with toking device of your choice.[/FONT]
    [FONT=྄ݙrdana]the last 3 are items i have purchased, test tube bong is very easy to make if you are at high school, everything you need can be found in your science department.[/FONT]
    [FONT=྄ݙrdana]obviously the last picture is of my vaporizer, not sure if i like the vape, deffinantly gives me a different kind of buzz to smoke.

    Attached Files:

  2. Cool i like homemade stuff.
  3. The coolest one is the one next to the jar
  4. Some good ideas in there, might have to steal a couple of those ideas!
  5. haha nice, your welcome.
  6. could you get a video of you showing how the squeeze bottle works?
  7. You must really like inhaling plastic.
  8. [ame=]YouTube - movie.flv[/ame] i made a video of me using some these tools, *including the pump bottle. i cut bits and pieces to save time. haha didnt do a very good job though.. but there it is.
  9. props bro! this is just what i was looking for - some fresh ideas for those of us who cant afford fancy glass tools hahah

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