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My First Joint - UPDATED:: Joint #2 2nd page

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by IMAEREHW, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. I had never heard of using a crutch until i join GC. I have been smoking for almost 13 years and have always rolled with zigzag 225's. As stated before if you start in the middle with the tops of your thumb touching and work your way to the ends with a bit of pressure you will have a nice joint. It will be even and just tight enough to burn slowly and not run...

    I have never used a rolling machine for weed, just tobacco. I have however used the dollar bill method for joints but that way rolls way too tight and everytime you pause your J will go out. I will post some pics of a couple of hand rolled joints without crutches for example.

  2. looks good, practice makes perfect.
  3. Good job man!! that looks a Lot better than my first j.
  4. The joint's too small. Use kingsize rizzla and a much smaller roach.


    There's one of mine. I mean, each to his own, but I think if you're gonna have a smoke you may as well have a SMOKE.
  5. Roach is a little big but nice job bud. I mean, the roach could be as big as you want but why use a big paper with little weed? With a huge roach.

  6. this is some good advice for the op or any other beginner joint roller. joint rolling is an art and it takes time. take your time while rolling. there should be no pressure to finish at a certain time limit
  7. #27 IMAEREHW, Jan 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2009
    Took my time on this one, thought it out a bit more. I got a lot better at the rolling motion than i thought i did. this is my 2nd successful attempt at a joint. I also made the roach 2/3 shorter than last time, haha

  8. shit looks good, nice job
  9. nice job dude, looks better, definitely an improvement in the roach. also another tip, when you have the bud in the paper start forming the shape by simply rolling it up and down but no licking yet, this will only get the weed to form the shape tightly and packed that it would be in a proper joint, then you resume as normal and roll up lick the paper while applying even gentle pressure before licking and sealing the paper. keep up the good work :wave:
  10. Rolling joints is the shit. I feel like such a stoner saying this, but rolling up good j just makes me feel accomplished =)

    I had a question though, I asked about rolling J's with sticky/wet bud and someone said just to roll it loose. That worked a couple times but last night I rolled one with this sticky ass bud. The night before using the same bud I rolled a super tight j and it didn't spark. I tried to roll a loose J for this bud and that didn't work either. Any ideas?
  11. Great try's manl., Keep up the practice.,

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