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My first homemade pipe (pics)

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Wastoid, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. I know it's nothing special. If anything, it's ghetto and poorly made, but it's my first home made piece, so it's special to me. :)

    I'm not sure if I saw the idea on GC or somewhere else, but I saw someone make a pipe out of an ipod and I've wanted to do the same ever since. And since I've had a dead ipod nano laying around for the longest time, I gutted it and threw this together.


    I know, I know. It's not much to look at. Until I find a better fitting piece to go into the middle hole perfectly, the duct tape will have to do.

    Sidenote: I DO have a very nice glass piece which I usually use. I just wanted to feel the pride in MAKING my own thing.
  2. It looks purrrrrty.
  3. If you want pride in making something yourself, then roll blunts. Its a different challenege everytime.
  4. You're one creative bastard, I'll give you that.
  5. You should put the bowl in the center hole and glue the wheel part back into the case, and take out the LCD so you can see the smoke thru the screen.
  6. quoting for truth
  7. That's exactly what I was planning on doing with the bowl once I find a better size ratchet socket (or w/e that thing is called. I don't do tools and all that..) But that's the only one we seem to have at the moment. I have to make a trip to the hardware store I suppose. The smoke through the screen thing, that I didn't think of, but I love it. I'll see if I can do it.
  8. iPod pipe, EPIC haha real cool :smoke:
  9. Cool shit cuz. ;)
  10. Thanks fellas. :)
  11. does the ipod still work?
    all you have to do is spin the bowl to change tracks
  12. Well he said he gutted it so I would imagine not
  13. No it definitely doesn't work, It's basically just a shell now. I don't feel like it'd be that safe smoking through something with wiring and all that..
  14. you should take out the LCD, and give us milkshots
  15. nice piece. i would smoke it.
  16. #16 Wastoid, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2009
    Thanks. I ended up taking out the LCD screen like suggested although I haven't invested in a screen for the bowl itself yet, so I've yet to smoke out of it. :/
  17. haha awesome, like the idea. :p Wish I could find my old ipod otherwise I'd try it.

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